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Taehyung's POV

I was awoken when I felt Jungkook tossing and turning in the bed, groaning due to the pain his pre-heat was causing.

"H-hey, wake up." I softly nudged him. He opened his eyes and I noticed how he was sweating. "Come on, you need to take a cool shower. Maybe it'll help." I stood up and saw how the whole nest was ruined, Jungkook already staring at it.

"Hey.. Look at me.." He did as asked and I could read all kinds of emotions on his face. Mostly sadness. "You can make an even bigger, way better nest later on, okay? I'll even scent you. For as long as you'd like."

This seemed to make him happier in an instant and I helped him to get to the bathroom, giving him a pair of pj's to wear when he's done.

I closed the door behind him and looked at the clock. We've napped for about 30 minutes, so we still have sometime before the other pack members can come upstairs.

I heard the shower turn on and I went to my closet to change the bedsheets.

While I was busy, a knock on the door was heard.

"I clearly stated that no one can come upstairs, this should better be important otherwise there are consequences." I yelled from inside.

"It's for Jungkook. He wanted cupcakes. Jin made them, I'll just leave them here." I heard Jimin answer. I raised my brows. "Oh, okay. Just go back downstairs."

I heard footsteps fading and I heard the shower turn off, not even three minutes later Jungkook walked in the room.

I went to grab the plate of cupcakes -which looked absolutely delicious by the way- and walked over to the still oblivious Omega.

I tapped on his shoulder while he was busy with drying his hair and when he turned around, his eyes widened.

"Oh! The cupcakes!" He quickly took the plate from me and hurried over to the bed, yeeting all of the clothes off of it and he sat down crisscrossed. I smiled as I saw him stuff a cupcake in his mouth, glaze all over his mouth. He closed his eyes in content. "So gooood!"

I sat down next to him, eyeing the plate. My hand sneakily reached to grab one of them but he noticed it, bringing the plate into safety quickly.

I scoffed. "Yah. I want one too! You literally have a whole plate with cupcakes, I just want a single one!" He shook his head, a playful smile on his face.

So he wants to play like this?

I smirked. "Fine. I won't scent you ever again.."

He shot his head towards me and he immediately gave me a cupcake. "N-no..Please don't.."

Pretending I'm still mad, I turned my head away, silently taking small bites from the cupcake.

"I'm sorry.. You can have as many as you want. Here.." He literally handed me the whole plate, even putting the half eaten sweet thing back on it.

I put the plate next to me on the bed and stood up, taking a step towards the Jungkook who was looking down and lifted his head by his chin with my finger.

He stared straight into my silver eyes, face getting a bit red.

I looked at his cheek, using my thumb to wipe the glaze off, putting my thumb in my mouth right after.

His face became a deep red color and I smirked, tilting his head the other way.

I kissed his scent gland, inhaling his scent.

He produced another really cute sound, my wolf was dieing because of his cuteness.

Not wanting to go any further like softly biting, sucking or licking the spot, I stepped back.

Much to his dislike, but okay.

I expected him to walk over to the bed and make a new nest, but instead he walked closer towards me. He fiddled with his fingers, before asking, "C-can I maybe scent you back?"

I nodded, waiting for him to do something. I'm just helping his through his pre-heat, that's all..

He hugged me and stood on his tippy toes, rubbing his nose on my scent gland which made me shiver.

When he suddenly kissed it, I lost it and pushed him away. With a shaky breath a said, "Don't. I don't know if I can control my wolf when you go that far."

He smiled and nodded, laying back down in bed and eating another cupcake.

"I wan' cuddle!" He said in a baby voice, making me laugh. I got in bed next to him and held his waist, bringing him closer this time awake.

He blushed but buried himself in my chest, enjoying my scent.

I brushed my hand through his hair, massaging his scalp which made him moan quietly.

"You like that?" He nodded.

A proud feeling washed over me, my wolf absolutely all around the place.

"Is there something else you'd like for me to do?" I asked, wanting to make him happy.

Narrator's POV

It's been three days, Jungkook and Taehyung had been in Taehyung's room for three days straight. They haven't talked to anyone except to one another and all that Taehyung did was scenting, hugging, and comforting the Omega.

Jin sometimes brought food and Taehyung would grab it from the door handle -if it was in a plastic bag- when no one was in sight.

His scent needs to calm down first, before he could be in crowds again.

Today, Jungkook wasn't feeling his pre-heat at all -he was feeling like his normal self- which indicates that his actual heat is starting tomorrow.

He walked out of Taehyung's room, wanting to be with other people. With the lovely friends he made.

Jungkook's POV

"And so he did all of that! Can you guys believe it?? He even went out in the middle of the night to hunt for me, since I was hungry. He also gave me this warm, thick coat!" I smiled, remembering.

The guys all looked really happy for me. Jimin cleared his throat, which made me look at him.

He was staring at me, before he spoke up.

"Jungkook.. I think he's trying to court you."

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