Chapter 17

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I opened my eyes and found myself on the back porch of someones house, straight ahead of me was a dark forest. All the plants and trees were dead and snow blanketed the floor. I stood up and looked around at my surroundings, i had no idea where i was but i had the strange feeling that someone had told me about this place, once before. 

The house was small, it had a rustic vibe to it and something about it made me wonder what part of town i was in. Where i lived, all the houses that weren't in town, were all old farm houses that sat three or four stories high but this house was small and seemed to be made of some sort of wood. I walked up to the door and peered inside but there was no light so i couldn't see anything. A gust of wind whipped around me, sending a sudden chill down my spine and leaving me covered in goose bumps. 

I stepped down of the porch and took a couple of steps towards the forest but didn't go any further. I heard a small sound in the distance, i sounded like voices but i couldn't pin point where it was coming from. I listened carefully for the voices again but heard nothing, i looked around and found a small path that seemed to lead around the side of the cabin. I followed the path round and it lead to a small front door that was made of solid wood. I looked around but found myself in the middle of nowhere, the cabin seemed to be sitting on the top of a hill and there was nothing around for miles.

I sat down on the step to the front door and stared out into the nothing that was surrounding me, suddenly a light turned on behind me and i heard the voices again. I looked around but there was no one around and the house still looked empty. I walked towards the dirt track that leads down from the house to the village that's sits right at the bottom of the hill, you could just about see the lights from the houses, gleaming from up on the hill.

I wasn't sure where the voices were coming from, so instead of walking around circles i decided to try the house again. I double checked that no one was in there and then tried the door, without even pushing it, the door swung open with ease and smashed against the wall. I crept in and shut the door behind me, i was encased by darkness as the door slammed shut behind me. The only light i had came from the small light that was on outside, it was creeping through the cracks in the windows. I felt around until i found a light switch but as i flicked it, nothing happened, i was still surrounded by the darkness.

I suddenly heard the voices again and this time they were coming from right outside, i leaned against the door but it was so thick that all i heard was a muffled sound. The door handle started moving and then nothing, i wasn't sure whether or not they where going to come in or not. I needed to find a place to hid, i searched around and found a small cupboard that i managed to climb into, i pulled the door too leaving just enough for me to still see.

I listened out to hear if they came in or not, but i couldn't hear a thing. I peeked round the corner of the door just as the front door creaked open, a dark figure stepped inside followed by another man. My father. They walked into the middle of the living room and one of them flicked on the light switch but this time the lights fired up, filling the room with their golden light.

I recognized my father straight away, his dark hair and emerald green eyes, it was so weird seeing him standing there. I wasn't sure what to feel at this point. The other man who stood beside my father, had a small scar on his face and i straight away new it was Leo, before i could even think about my father or Leo another figure walked through the door but this time i knew exactly who it was and i couldn't even breathe. the minute i saw him walk through the door, my breath left me.

Finn walked in, he was wearing his usual black jeans but instead of a shirt he had only a small leather strap covering his chest. The strap was holding what looked to be a huge sword, the handle was made of a shiny silver and it had a spiral shape weaving around it, like a snake. The whole sword was covered in different symbols and so was Finn, there weren't as meany as he had now but i recognized most of them.

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