16. Black Mist

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The next few weeks were a blur of music and fur as the production of Cats started to come together. Rose arrived to the rehearsal the day before the show with growing anxiety. She had never been involved in any kind of performance before and she was getting freaked. What if she messed up?

She took her usual seat next to Ellie and waited for Broer and Cowdrey to get them all started. The dancers and actors were all already dressed in their costumes with their make up. Ellie made a cute tabby, Rose thought as she sat down. Tommy arrived, long hair pulled back in a ponytail and wearing dark jeans and a black button down shirt instead of his uniform. She raised her eyebrows at Ellie, pointing at him.

"It's the dress rehearsal," Ellie said as if it should be obvious.

No one had told Rose about wearing anything in particular for the show. Her uniform skirt seemed to stare back at her as she tried to decide what to do. She leapt from her seat and ran out and up. Once she was in her room, it only took her seconds to swap the skirt and shirt for the nicest dress the dean has chosen for her. It was dark gray with subtle sparkles and a flared skirt. She threw off her converse and socks and slid into black flats, running all the way back downstairs.

She was winded as she slipped back into the room, where Broer was already addressing the group.

"Today is it, this is all the time we have left. We all stay here, twice through the whole thing. After dinner, back again for one more run. Let's go, Rose and Tommy, into the pit, everyone else, places."

Ellie hugged Rose excitedly. She didn't seem nervous at all. Maybe it was because she had the benefit of hiding behind all that make up. At least Rose could hide in the pit. She would be heard and not seen, which was both terrifying and welcome. She skittered down the steps into the dark cave of instruments.

"Ssssss," Tommy sucked air through his teeth.

Rose looked over in concern, thinking he must have hurt himself. His face was red and he held his hand to his chest. She stepped toward him with a furrowed brow, tipping her head to the side and reaching a hand out to help him. He took her extended hand in his and smiled up at her, slight dimples digging into his cheeks. His touch was soft, and Rose had no doubt what it meant. She stepped back, tugging her hand free, and sat at the piano. Her heart pounded in her ears, muting all the clamor around her, and her face went hot and red. She stared at her hands, trying to make sense of this. She was angry.

What a...a... Ugh! Her indignation did a pretty good job of pushing down the flutter in her heart that made her want to let him hold her hand again.

"Yo, Cali," he whispered. "We're on."

She sat up straight, nodded and waited for his count. They began the overture, and it took all Rose had in her to follow his lead. They played through the show twice before dinner and again after, ending late into the night, and still Rose awoke the next morning filled with fear. That night she would have to perform in front of more than a thousand people. She ate breakfast alone and quickly, staring blankly out the window as the melodies for the show swirled through her mind. Her stomach clenched and acid stung her throat. She ran from the dining hall and vomited into the nearest trash can.


Alastair had an easy day, he thought at lunch. Last night he had watched the dress rehearsals from different points in the room to make sure the sets were right, and the show had fallen into place nicely. The play itself was cute, and the performers were strong. But, Alastair thought the costumes and make up really made the whole thing work. They were elaborate, modeled after the Broadway production. It was going to be a spectacle.

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