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Joel's POV

I just got back from dropping my mom off at her cousin's place. I decided to give Dilara a call to see if she was already home but it kept going to voicemail.

I called for the fourth when finally there was an answer. "Babe, hey you home yet?" I asked. "Hello, sir? Are you her boyfriend?" a random man asked through the phone.

"What? Yes but who are you?" I asked getting more concerned. "Your girlfriend and this other man got into an accident-" he said but I cut him off. "Where? Tell me now," I demanded.

"Right near a Dunkin Donuts," he said. "I'm on my way," I said and I hang up. I sped towards the Dunkin's nearby our neighbourhood.

As I stopped at a junction my heart dropped. I saw Erick's car flipped over, with him laying on the street, blood everywhere. I ran out of the car and towards the scene but some police officers stopped me. "That's my bandmate and his sister is my girlfriend, she's pregnant with my child!" I told them while trying to pass through.

"You may ride in the ambulance with her but you can't go through right now," one of them said and I groaned in frustration. My heart started beating fast when I saw them bring Dilara out of the car and onto a stretcher. There were pieces of glass stabbed into her stomach, and she was badly injured.

"Oh my god," I muttered as I ran both my hands through my hair, knowing there's nothing I can do. "Here, get to the ambulance," the officers said as one of them led me towards the ambulance they were putting Dilara in.

"This is her boyfriend, and the father of the baby," he told the paramedics and they let me in. "When is she supposed to be due?" one of them asked me as the ambulance drove away. "Uh, next month. Will she be okay? Will my baby be okay?" I asked her as I reached out to hold Dilara's hand.

"The doctors will try their best to save both of them. But judging by the condition, I'm not sure," the paramedic said sighing.

I might lose one of them today. Or maybe even both. And I wasn't ready for it, I could never be ready for that.

Adriana's POV

I was restless. "Guys have you tried calling Erick or Dilara? I can't reach any of them," I said. "Nope, none of them are answering," Zabdiel said as he put his phone on the table.

"What if something happened? I mean like Dilara's literally pregnant that'll be a nightmare," I said as I was getting more anxious.

"Adri, hey, if there's anything they'd call. Or anyone would call," Chris said, trying to comfort me. Just then Richard's phone rang. "Its Joel," he said and he picked it up.

"Hey man- woah breathe, I can't understand you if you panic like this," he said, looking concerned as I stood up from the couch immediately.

"What?! Where, which hospital? Okay we'll be there," he said as he hung up and went to get the car keys. "We need to go to the hospital now. Erick and Dilara got into an accident," he said and we all immediately rushed towards the car.

Chris called the rest of our friends; Evaluna, Renae, Clara and Ali. And they were all on their way to the hospital as well.

My heart was racing fast and I was only hoping for them to be okay. I fiddled with my rings, especially my engagement ring, anxious on what's happening to my fiance, my best friend and her baby that's supposed to be on the way.

Joel's POV

They made me wait in the waiting room. I was pacing back and forth waiting for the others to arrive. I sat down on the chairs, my face in my hands.

"Joel!" I heard Adriana call for me as she rushed into the waiting room and sat down next to me. "Adri," I muttered as she hugged me tight. "They'll be okay, they all will, they have to be," she whispered as she rubbed my back.

I pulled away from her with tears in my eyes. "It was bad," I said shaking my head as the tears fell. The tears I've been holding in since I saw Dilara being put onto a stretcher. Since I saw the shards of glass stabbed into my baby's home.

"There's chances that only one of them, Dilara or the baby, would make it," I said with my voice cracking. "Erick's also in surgery right now. They said he probably has a concussion and they're fixing the damage of other wounds right now," I added as I wiped my tears.

"I haven't even held my baby in my arms, and now I might lose her," I muttered as I completely lost it and broke down into tears. Adriana just put her hand on my shoulder, as she had tears falling too.

Evaluna's POV

We left the CNCO house just after Joel left to see his mom. Me, Camilo, Mau and Ricky were already at home, chilling.

We got a phone call from Chris, saying Dilara and Erick were rushed to a hospital after a car accident. I came with Camilo and my two brothers. Renae arrived at the same time as us. "Hey!" I called out to her and she rushed towards me.

"Where are they?" she asked me. "The person at the counter said they were waiting in the waiting room," Ricky said as he walked over to us from the counter. "Let's go," I said and we ran towards the waiting room.

I stopped at the door as I saw Joel breaking down next to Adriana, who was close to losing it. Richard saw us and came over. We went outside of the waiting room. "What happened?" Mau asked him.

"They were driving to Dunkin's and then a drunk driver came from a different junction, ignoring a red light and hit them straight on the driver's side," he told us. "In broad daylight? A drunk driver?" Camilo said.

"He's here in this hospital too," Richard added. "There's also chances that one of them, between Dilara and the baby, won't make it," he said again. "If the drunken ass son of a bitch survives the crash, I'm gonna run him over with my car," Mau said.

"We can do that together," I said to my brother before rushing into the waiting room.

"Hey," I greeted Joel and Adriana softly. Adriana immediately pulled me into a hug as she sobbed into my shoulders. "It's okay, Erick's a fighter. He'll make it," I said to her as I slowly rubbed her back.

"Dilara will be okay, God's will the baby will be fine too," I said to Joel as I reached out to his shoulder. He just put his hand onto mine and patted it for a while before letting go.

3 hours later

The doctor came into the waiting room. "How's my girlfriend and my child? And her brother, Erick?" Joel asked him, standing up immediately.

The doctor sighed. "Erick is now stable. He's still unconscious though so we're letting him rest. He has a broken leg, a sprained wrist, his ribs were broken too but it'll heal. There'll be some side effects from his concussion, which will go away soon so overall Erick will be just fine," he explained.

"And Dilara?" Renae asked. The doctor cleared his throat. "Dilara is fine. But, the baby," he paused and shook his head sympathetically. "We tried our best, I'm sorry," he apologized. Joel fell back into the chair.

"If you want, you can see the baby in a while, before we send her to the mortuary," he added before leaving the room.

None of us dared to even look to Joel. His world just fell apart and we could all feel it. It was like everything was bright and happy and within a second it all went gloomy and dark.

a/n: :(

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