ONCE • 11

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Adriana's POV

Dilara and Evaluna ended the song and walked away. I turned to look at Erick and he was already staring. I looked down trying to hide my blush.

He put his index finger under my chin and brought my face up to look at him again. "Never hide yourself from me," he said, emphasising the word 'never'.

I smiled. We ate our food and decided to walk along the beach. We were holding hands, our fingers intertwined, holding our shoes with the other hand.

"I don't want this night to end," Erick said softly looking down at me. I looked up at him, "Neither do I," I responded, resting my chin on his shoulder.

We sat down on the sand, facing the sea, looking up at the moon.

"I never knew, I never knew, you could hold moonlight in your hands, till the night I held you," I sang to him, tapping his nose when I sang 'you'.

"You sound like an angel. You amaze me everytime," he said looking into my eyes. He leaned in slowly, connecting our lips.

Our lips moved in sync. This one was different. Our kisses would usually be quick and sloppy, filled with lust. This time, it was slow and passionate, filled with love.

I pulled away for air. He laid down on my lap. "I love you," he said looking me straight in the eye after a moment of comfortable silence. That's it. That made the lions in my stomach roar. "I love you too, Erick. Longer than you know," I told him with my hand in his hair playing with it.

We stayed like that, in silence, enjoying each other's company.

"It's getting late. I should send you home," he said to me. I slightly pouted but nodded since it was getting late.

The drive home felt like 5 minutes. That's how fast time flies by when I'm with Erick, and I hate it. He walked me to my doorstep.

"Goodnight mi amor," he said kissing my forehead. "Goodnight," I smiled at him. He headed back to the car and waited for me to enter before driving away.

Best night ever.

Dilara's POV (the next day)

I decided to call Adriana about last night. She picked up and put us into a group voice call with Evaluna.

"Details now!" Evaluna rushed her. "Other than what we already know, like start when you guys walked along the beach!" I said getting excited.

Adriana giggled, "Okay so, we walked and talked then we sat on the sand. And when I saw the moon I just thought about my song 'Moonlight' and I sang it to him-" Evaluna squealed cutting her off. The way we're lowkey more excited than her.

"Anyways! He told me he loves me and we kissed and when I tell you I felt sparks!! There were literally fireworks going on in my stomach!" Adriana said squealing.

"Awww" me and Evaluna gushed over Adri's story. "Okay so, I'm about to get married to Camilo, Riri's dating Erick, so technically Lara's the only single one. When on earth are you and Joel gonna be official?" Evaluna asked.

"When he asks me out, duh!" I said stating the obvious. "I already made the first move before by asking for his number and he still hasn't done anything! I'm about to bail on this dude," I huffed in frustration.

"Joel needs to grow some balls and actually ask you out! I mean come on, you guys danced and, lemme refresh your memories, your bodies were practically glued. And then there's all the times when we'd have a movie night or sleepover, you guys would be next to each other, snuggling, ALL THE TIME, and the way he wraps his arms around you?" Adriana started pointing everything out.

"Oh! And the time when I was at your place and so was Joel, then you went to get the door for Christopher, and when you wanted to sit next to him he pulled you onto his lap instead? And before that, you were asleep, snuggled into his chest with your booty on his lap," Evaluna continued.

"Oh god," I said face palming myself. They're not gonna stop. "He's whipped, Lara. He's just insecure about the fact you might not feel the same. Maybe you have to show more signs?" Adriana said.

"I don't know. Should I?" I asked them, unsure. "Hey, how about you ask him to be your plus one for the Latin AMA's?" Evaluna suggested and Adriana agreed.

"Definitely! He'll obviously say yes," Adriana added. "Okay, we'll see," I said considering it. Soon we ended the call.

Maybe I should ask Joel to be my plus one for the Latin AMA's.

Joel's POV

I was in the living room with the boys, difference is they were sitting on the couch and I was pacing back and forth in front of them.


Ask my sister out, Joel. I'm serious," Erick told me. "Don't you think I know that Erick?" I sighed, running my fingers through my hair frustrated.

"I just don't know how to do it!" I said. "Latin AMA's," Christopher said out of nowhere. "Bro, what?" Zabdiel asked, looking at Chris confused just like the rest of us did.

"Make her your plus one for the Latin AMA's," Christopher said as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

My eyes widen, "Yes! Yes!" I shouted. "That's exactly what I'm gonna do. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said to the boys and ran up the stairs to get ready to see Dilara.

a/n: Hi! okay so I changed the title of the book to 'Mi Medicina' so don't worry its the same book and story just diff title since I feel like this one fits more :D anyways I hope you like it!

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