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Before I knew it a week had passed. I barely saw Juvia without Gray during the day. I can't say anything thing since I was attached to Natsu most of the time. After we left the guild we would plan our attack on the island that would later become the cause of so many deaths.

As far as we know there are 5 parts of this base. Four points in the cardinal direction and one in the middle. Juvia will be taking the one in the south since it is submerged in water and she should have an advantage there, even against 500 wizards.

Rogue will be in the west. This ground is flat and underground so he should finish this easily. Especially since we think there are only 200 wizards at this point.

Sting will be in the East. This is on a mountain with a clear view of the outside and the sun, there are about 600 wizards there 5 of them being S class.

Yukino will be at the docks. There are only 50 people working there so she will be fine.

Erza is taking the North. This is basically a huge fortress. We believe that there are 300 people there so Erza will have some trouble but will win.

I will be taking the Middle ground. 700 wizards with 20 being S class. I know I won't have trouble with this. I will be using my dragon summoning and then will go straight to the master.

Everyone knows there part thanks to my communication lacrima with Sting. Today is the day we will meet.

Juvia and I enter the guild and are impatiently are met by Erza standing next to us. Natsu hugged me by the side and gave me a peck on the cheek. A light blush covered my cheeks as I turned away.

" Tusundre..." Erza said and I pouted.

" I would love to see your face when Jellal gets here," I said and grinned as Eza turned red.

" Jel-l-llal i-is coming" She states her face red and her voice quivering.

" Juvia is friends with this time Merdy, somehow, so she told them that we are leaving on a quest today so Merdy is dragging Jellal and Ultear here," I tell her, generally confused as Natsu was arguing with Gray. I was barely away from Juvia since we left and she somehow befriended Meredy without me knowing.

" Merdy!" I hear Juvia call and Erza calms herself down. I watch as Merdy lets go of Ultear and Jellal and hugs Juvia.

" How are you Juvia" she states and then they have a conversation. Both of them giggling excitedly and Merdy suggesting something that made Juvia turn red.

I watch with Ultear as Jellal and Erza try to strike a conversation.

" Hello Erza how are you" Jellal begins, his voice formal, yet oddly higher.

Ultear and I share a look.

" This is the best I have been, and you" Erza states with a look towards Juvia and me.

" I have been fine, I see that you've gotten a new armor" He continues the conversation and Erza grins. I nearly squealed when I saw that Jellal looked away from Erza blushing.

" It was a gift" Erza states taking off her cloak and handing it to a blushing Jellal. And they say that Natsu is oblivious. Jellal's eyes widen when Eza took the flowy cloak and straightened it into a shield.

" It is nice to see that this guild is treating you well" He states as Erza put on her cloak.

" Can you two just kiss" Juvia calls out and Erza and Jellal are turned into a blushing mess.

Erza, the mature one, cups Jellals face in her hands and kisses him. He kissees back and after a minute they separate.

" Erza" he starts and Eza holds up her hand.

" You've always been a bad liar" she states and walks away with a smirk. Jellal gapes at her and chuckles.

" Only to you" he whispers and I could barely hear it.

I squeal and Ultear is grinning. Ultear and I strike up a conversation about time magic which she is happy to see that someone else knows it. Hers is a different type than mine but it works out.

" Erza, Lucy, and Juvia you have a double s class mission that requests your presence." Master calls his voice serious and beckons us to his room. Erza walks through the crowd and as she reached the stairs Jellal hugged her. He whispered something to her and she nodded and disappeared into the room.

Natsu looked at me with something akin to fear evident in his eyes and I gave him a reassuring smile and along with Juvia entered the master's room.

Master sighs and begins.

" Your Double S class mission is to stay alive brats" he states and we teleport to Hargeon were Sting, Rogue and Yukino are waiting for us with a boat. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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