≫ 3- Twins- Double trouble ≪

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HEY! :) I have decided that I will write 1 chapter, edit it. Do another chapter, edit and post. That way when I update it will be worth the wait :P Thinking of doing a schedule. Here it is!
TO AVOID CONFUSION: I have changed Reese to James- Ik yes people who know me reading this there IS a James at school but its a common name! This guy is not in anyway intentionally like our one. If you DONT know me, nvm that Reese is now James. Oh and I changed bc I think Reese i also a girls name an I got confused writing so yeah.

Renee the swag goddess:
Hey baby cakes! Call me we have to meet up at the fair! x

Me: kk x

Me: Btw we sound like we are dating....

Renee the swag godess: Ikr I should NOT call you baby cakes, I call James that. x


"Heya!" greeted Renee.

"Hello, this is Jerry's Pizza we are sorry we missed your call! Check that you have called at the right time and that we are open!"

"Shit I got the wrong number....-"

"Troll lol!"

Renee sighed dramatically. "Asshole friend I bothered to call, I am at your front door. We are going on a blind double date in approximately.... 45 minutes. Let my sexy ass in, will ya? I forgot that bloody spare key..." Holy crap! She just out of the blue sets me up on a date and I have 45 minutes to get ready! I sprint downstairs and Renee is at the door in a pretty summer dress, floral and knee length.

"Shower." she says. "Wash your hair too!" she adds as I run up again. That mean girl. I quickly shower and put my hair in a towel turban and put on a robe. I walk out of my suite to find renee watching Everybody Loves Raymond, MY favourite show. In my room sitting on my freshly made bed, may I add. I narrow my eyes at her and put my hands on my hips. She looks at me. "What?" I glare at her, roll my eyes so hard and slowly it hurts, and say: "Get me ready." I demand, and her face breaks into a grin.

After shes done, I inspect myself. I can actually say I look pretty. I have light makeup that makes me look natural but pretty. Renee curled my brown hair so it bounces off my shoulders. I am wearing a crisp white button up shirt with denim shorts. We are going to the fair tonight. I am nervous, I admit. What if he is a dick? What if he doesn't like me, if he thinks I don't look good- he might prefer blondes! Ugh. Its one date, I tell myself. Plus, James and Renee will rescue me, right? I actually do not know about that. "Who is my date?" I ask. "Levi, my twin brother." She says. What. The. Hell?!?

🔶🔸 Renee's POV 🔸🔶
*3 days ago

I knew something wasnt the same with my mothers smile. It looked forced. I felt nervous. "How was school honey?" she asks, smiling weakly. "Uh-uh good?" I reply, though it sounds like I walked into a pole this morning and suffered the consequences for the rest of the day. Maybe that actually happened? Hehe.. "Honey, I have something important to tell you, I think you should sit down." She gestures towards the chair, and I sit down nervously, what the hell is happening?! Mum never acts like shes fifty and meeting a government official! I was freaked out. My mother was forty, for goodness sake! "Mum, whats wrong? You do not ask people to sit down like that.... you are acting strange." I say, pretty concerned. "You have a twin brother, honey." She squeaks. Holy fricking shit?

~~~Commercial break~~~

"Mum, could you please explain this?" I manage. All I knew is that my father left my mother when I was a baby. No siblings, let alone TWIN! "I took you and your father took Levi." She said weakly. "We thought it would be better to take the same gender, for obvious reasons." she continued. "I had a visit while you stayed with your grandmother, when you were 5. It broke my heart, honey, I loved my little boy and he was exactly like you. Your father couldn't visit, he just couldn't. I'm sorry I didn't tell you honey. But I have news. Your brother would like to meet you, and he is going to come liv with us, for senior years and college. He should be here in a couple of... hours?" I put a hand to my mouth, shocked. I ran and hugged my mum who was in tears. "Its ok, its ok" I soothed. "I'm not angry, I understand why you would keep it from me, I wouldn't have the maturity to handle it." I wiped tears from my eyes.

*2 hours after when Levi arrives

The doorbell rings. My mum and I were eating ice cream and watching Everybody Loves Raymond on our T.V. Mum tells me to answer the door while She removes the ice-cream evidence. I laugh. I am wearing a white tank and aqua shorts, I look okay, right? I take one breath, two bre- DING DONG! The doorbell rings again. I sprint and open the door. "Hey." the boy in front of me says.


Well, that was dramatic! I hope you enjoyed!

Follow me on instagram: _kat_lily_

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