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Music and background pic above! Follow @background_pics on instagram for more!!

The rest of the day flew by quickly, and before I knew it, it was lunch.
Renee, Reese and I were sitting in the cafeteria, chatting away. We started having a discussion about that awful book in English we have to read. I looked over at the clichéd popular table. There was a commotion going on. I nudged my friends. "Look, Bella's chucking a tantrum again." They looked over and started sniggering. "Hunter looks pretty annoyed.." Said Renee through giggles. I looked over at hunter. Yeah, he does look grumpy, judging by the scowl on his face. Hunter was the boyfriend of Bella. Bella was your typical queen bee, attention seeking, and has the school on their knees. Even though shes dating Hunter, I would be money she has kissed a LOT of boys. Bella is just.... evil. I remember, before I decided to keep a low profile, that is. Bella goes up to me, says "You had it coming, walking around with a face like that bitch." And yells out: "Hey everyone! This bitch likes that nerd over there!" Everyone was laughing, and the poor boy, asked me out. But I said no. I didn't like him more than a friend. It was so embarrassing but thank god he moved schools last year. Could never look the guy in the face again. "Holy shit! LOOK!" Screamed Renee, pulling me from my, er, reminiscences. Bella had reached over to attack Hunter! "YOU FUCKWIT! YOU, YOU!" she screamed as Hunters friends held her back. Everyone was laughing their asses of now. Bella was a pitiful sight now. Her hair and makeup was smudged. Her face suddenly became red. She stuck the finger at Hunter and stalked off. Hunter looked a bit amused, and seemed to be holding back laughter.
*After school at Rustys.

"Mum! I love you! You are too amazing for words!" I sang cheerfully. I HAVE A FRICKING HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORBIKE. FUCK YEAH!!!!
"Now, this is a reward fir perfect reports your entire life. Keep it up, Rusty!" My mother said happily.

;) New chapter! Super tired 😵 Havent been updating, sorry for disappointing anyone! Dedicate this book to @chelseamurray02 ! Follow her!! She is supportive and amazing! ☺ She is one of the reasons I spend late hours writing!

Peace out!

From Kat!

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