Chapter 3 What have I stumbled into

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  you can't see them really ? you said you thought you saw somethings before been seeing blairs all of today

 well I did see somethin... mum dad what are  you doing here

two people enter the cafe in their late 40s the woman has brown hair with strands of grey in it and the man with a brown jacket  with brown hair both with blue eyes and the woman with a white shirt and a dark blue jacket

Connors mum (Connors mum and dad enter the cafe) hey sweaty (Connors mum kisses Connor)


Connors dad Jenny stop it his 16 stop ambarrasing him and plus we need to talk to him about his herritage

 sorry your right Mike we need to tell him Louis what have you told him so far

 I've told him about  his sight and that we all have it ,but thats about it 

 ok around 3000 years ago in atlantis

atlantis really

 yes Atlantis it's long gone now but at that time creatures were around all the time ,but their power got too strong and a great wizard stopped called magna wizzard  meaning  the great wizzard he never aged and went to every land and took care of the balance getting rid of all the creatures his name slowley changed like merlin and other names anyway all the people of atlantis were given the sight by this wizzard  a became the guardians and after that he fell asleep and still is and will only wake up if the balance is distrupted and were decendents of the Argyros family ,but are name changes over the years to the Carter family

 (Connor looks out the window thinking and sees a black blair go past the window and the window starts to freeze) I saw something

 oh mum ,dad

 they're here


ext outside tha cafe the black blair goes past the scaffolding legs which starts to freeze a womans scream is heard


Connor wait your not ready yet

(Connor runs outside and sees Mary with blood coming out of her mouth with the scaffolding on top of her) did you see the monster (she then stops talking and her eyes and skin looses it's bright colour she used have) 

  we're so sorry Connor

 (Connor gets up from the ground with aggresion on his face) I want to know everything 

I don't know if your ready 

 tell me mum

 ok I'll tell you everything so where do we start

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