7-That's All The More Reason To Not Stay Away From You

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A/n: I like longer titles, so take one. 

When I was walking to school, I tried to walk faster so that I wouldn't run into Jack. It's not because I didn't like him, or because I was mad at him. I didn't want to get close to him and  be the reason that he ends up dying. I didn't want to get close to him and then lose him in general. 

But it was far too late for that. 

Jack ran into me anyway. "How come you're walking so briskly today? Somewhere important to be?" He grinned. "Because that somewhere obviously isn't high school. " 

When I didn't respond with so much as a tiny grin, Jack frowned. "Hey, what's wrong? " 

"You're going to die too. And it's going to be all my fault. " 

"You had a nightmare, " Jack said seriously. 

"I had the same nightmare years ago, for a different person. And then they died. " I didn't want to tell Jack about him, the person who died, yet though. I just needed him to know that it was real. 

"Well, if I'm gonna die soon, then that's all the more reason to not stay away from you. I'll spend all my last moments with the person I wanna be with. Can't think of a better way to go out. " 

"You don't understand. I'll have to say goodbye! And I'm terrible at goodbyes. Mortified by them, completely." I sighed shakily. "I can't lose you too. " 

Jack stopped walking and sat in the edge of the curb. "Sit, " He ordered. He gestured to the spot next to him. 

"But what about school? " 

"They won't know the difference. Just come here. " I sat next to him reluctantly, and he put his arm around me, and I learned into his shoulder. "Listen, Alex. I am not going to die on you, okay? I don't care what kind of prophecy you saw, I don't believe in destiny. I decide my own fate, and the fate I choose is not dying on you. " 

If only it could truly be that easy. 

I don't know how long we sat there like that, but judging by the Sun's position in the sky, it was currently high noon. So around one in the afternoon or so. "Hey, Jack? " I asked, moving away from him. 

"Hmm? " He returned his arm to his side. 

"Can we maybe just not go to school today?" I wringed my hands in shame. I never skipped, but I couldn't face everyone right now. I needed to just be away from everyone. Not including Jack of course. 

Jack nodded. "We can skip for one day, but what do you want to do instead? " 

"I don't know, something that can get my mind off of death? " I sighed. I really didn't know what I wanted, except to be near Jack. He just had this presence about him. A very attractive presence that you just don't want to not be around. 

"Well... What's your favorite movie? " 

"The Fifth Element. Greatest movie ever made, there's no question about it. " 

Jack chuckled. "You say that so seriously. Do you have it on disk or something? " 

"Sure, why? " I was confused. Why did  it matter if I had the movie on disk? 

"Then we'll go to your house. " He grabbed my hand and laced the fingers. I felt a heat rise in my cheeks. "Come on! " He pulled me all the way to my house, and then sat down on the couch. "I'd get I myself, but I don't know where the movie is. Can you get it for me? " 

"Sure, Jack. " So instead of going to school today, I was going to sit at my house and watch my favorite movie with my favorite person. 

I can't think of a better way to ditch. 

About a half an hour of the way through the movie, I could feel Jack gravitating towards me. I looked over for a second, he looked like he was only half paying attention to the movie. I moved closer, and he lifted his arm, seeming half afraid to be touchy. 

"I won't bite, you know, " I said. Jack seemed less afraid of touching me, so he put his arm around me, and I leaned into his side. 

Maybe fifteen minutes after that, I could feel Jack staring a lazer right through me. I looked up at him, and he turned away quickly. "Any particular reason you're staring? " I asked. 

"I keep seeing this sparkle out of the corner of my eye. I think I might be hallucinating or something. " 

"You sir, are a horrible liar. " I grinned. I proceeded to lean forward and kiss his cheek quickly. I could practically hear my heart racing in my ears. I never did risky things like this. 

Jack looked down at me, a gleam of affection in his eyes. "You're cute, you know that? " He kissed the tip of my nose. I smiled in response and then he kissed my lips softly, the kiss lasting longer than our first. The spark was still there, just as strong as last time. I could still hear my heart throbbing in my ears, but nothing else seemed to matter anymore. Is kissing therapy? 

We watched some more of the movie, and it was almost the end when I kissed him again. He broke it quickly. "Wait, wait! I have to know what happens next! " 

"You can find out next time, " I said, not really worried about the movie. I reached up and tugged at his hair lightly. "Please? " Jack answered by kissing me, which I returned. 

"At least there will be a next time, " Jack sighed happily before kissing me again. Half of me expected my mum to walk in and never let him stay over again, but the other half of me said that nothing mattered. Everything was okay when I was with him. It was just the two of us against the world, and sometimes a tiny part of the world would side with us. 

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