5- Sugar-Coated White Lies Can Only Get You So Far Before You Get Caught Up

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A/n: the title is lyrics from the song 3D by I See Stars

For the first week or so, I flirted with Jack as inobviously as possible. He was so caught up in trying to figure out who else I was talking to in a 'more-than-friends' way that he didn't see it. Either that, or he was a better liar than I was. And I think I was being a pretty damn good liar lately. 

Someone came up to our table. "I need to sit here, so they can't get me, " He said. 

"Vic? " I asked. Was the most popular guy in the entire school sitting with the social outcasts? Was he really putting that dent in his reputation? 

"Yes, it's me. Uh, " He rubbed the back of his neck with embarrassment, "I don't know you guys though. So, introduce yourselves please? " He sat down next to Rian. 

"Rian, " Rian said, raising his hand. 

"Zack, " Zack replied, looking in Vic's direction. 

"Jack, " Jack said. 

"Alex, " I said, looking down. How did he not know me? 

"Alex? As in Alex Gaskarth? " Vic asked. Oh no, here it comes. Vic grinned and stared at me with awe. "You're legend, man. People would kill for your kind of publicity. " 

"W-what? " I tried to hide my shock, but failed miserably. "You don't hate me? " 

"Of course not, I don't believe all the rumors floating around about you. " 

"The nightmares are real, " I confirmed. 

"Well, I knew that, but I meant the ones that said that you were, like, this super evil person. Those rumors aren't true. " 

"So you're putting everything on the line by hanging out with me, and now you're telling me that you have nothing against me. Where were you when they tore me apart? " I asked. 

"Look, I'm not saying that what they did was right, but it's not like you made much of an effort to be noticed. If you'd said something-" 

"I did say something! I've been saying something! You people just don't listen! " I wasn't watching my temper. It wasn't like I was trying to snap, but I was too tired to not be annoyed. I relaxed myself when I felt Jack staring. "I'm sorry. I'm being ridiculous. "

"No, you're right. I shouldn't have tried to justify people's actions against you, because I don't believe it. I'm just trying to get away with with casting you aside too.  I really hope that we can start over? " Vic offered. 

I nodded. "I think that I might like that. " 

We spent the rest of lunch laughing and talking like old friends, and ever time Jack spoke, I stared into his eyes affectionately, and licked my lower lip lightly. Dropping tiny hints. The rest of the school day was pretty uneventful though. 

When Jack and I were walking back from school, we decided to go to my house. I was getting impatient about confessing. The sooner I said something, the sooner the possibility of it becoming a reality. "Is it Vic?" He asked. 

"What? Ugh, no. Not even close, " I stuck up my nose at the suggestion. I didn't hate Vic exactly, I just really wasn't fond of him. He was that kind of guy that threw parties with alcohol that you knew only because everyone knew him. Not my type. 

"I'm about ready to give up! I swear the only person you flirt with is-" He gasped. "Alex? Is it me? " 

Oh no. Alex, hide. Lie. Don't tell him. "I don't think so, keep guessing, " I shrugged his accusation off. 

"Think? " Jack was getting excited. "Alex Gaskarth has a hella mega crush on me, admit it. " 

"You're my best friend, no hella mega crush here. " I pushed the lie further. I needed to get him off my back, especially if he didn't feel the same. 

"That's a shame, " Jack said. "Because I think I have a hella mega crush on you. " He turned the corner. "I think I'm going to go back to my own place for now. I'm not saying you're a liar, but I don't think I believe you right now. And I don't want to be around you at your house and stuff if you really are being serious about crushing on someone else. You know, before they start thinking that we're together. " 

No. This isn't what I wanted. I didn't really want to push him away. But I couldn't stop it, the anxiety took control and my breathing was lost. Jack came running back. "Alex! Alex!  I wasn't serious! We're still friends! I'm not leaving you! " His words were lost. He didn't seem to know what to do, so he just stood there, hugging me every so often, and telling me a shit ton of words of reassurance. 

Somehow, he got me all the way to my house in my state, and he were sitting on my bed. His hand was holding mine, but the fingers weren't laced. "Jack? " 

"Are you okay now? " He asked. 

"I'm okay now, " I assured him. I inhaled sharply. "I think I might have a hella mega crush on you. " 

Jack looked into my eyes. "Good, I've been waiting to hear when you said that. " 

"Why? " I asked. Jack cupped my one cheek. He brought my lips to his in lightning quick kiss that felt like lightning. There was a spark there, not fireworks, but a spark. 

"Because I've been dying to do that. " 

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