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They say if you graduate from hopes peek academy you are guaranteed success in life. This is what she needed. Not that the way she was, wasn't enough but if she graduated there would be no stopping her. After all she was the ultimate Femme Fatale. She was given this title for her amazing ability to seduce men and women to do as she please.  Even if it was just to sleep with them, many people found her irresistible and absolutely obsessed with her piercing green emerald eyes. Her name was Azuiki Ottishima, but most people called her Chestnut because of her long reddish-brown hair. She smiled to herself and sighed and took the first step that was going to change the rest of her life.

                She gasped and lifted her head. "Jesus Christ." She said. She was alone, in a classroom. she looked around. There were metal sheets that were covering what she assumed were windows. She stood up and pulled down her white short dress. She walked around the class searching for anything. She noticed a monitor and a camera in the room. there wasn't anything weird about the room besides those things, and a note she found. She picked it up and read it. All it simply said was to go to the dining room. She sighed and collected herself and made her way to the dining hall.

                She threw the doors open and many people around the room stopped talking and looked at her. It was quiet as she scanned the room of 15 people. Her cheeks went red and she waved.

"Ah-Ha!" yelled a guy off to her right. She looked for who made the noise. "You are quite tardy! This is unacceptable, what do you have to say for yourself." she opened her mouth slightly and stared at him.

"I'm sorry..." she trailed. The note did say to be there at 8 am. It was now 8:15. She rolled her eyes.

"You better be tartiness is a horrible personality trait." She gasps to tell him it's not a trait of someone but something that is done when she was interrupted by a tall blond guy with glasses.

"We just finished introducing ourselves." He said.

"Oh well, I'm Azuiki Ottishima, but everyone calls me Chestnut."  She said flipping her hair.

"I've heard of you." A shorter guy said." She looked at him. "I'm Makoto Naegi." He said with a smile. She smiled and him and giggled. "aren't you the ultimate Femme Fatale?" she nodded her head still smiling.

"O great we got a succubus on our hands." Said a guy with red hair.

"Not a succubus." She said defensively. He sighed and said.

"They are the same thing." She shook her head.

"Do I look like I'm about to lure you to sleep and sleep with you, no. plus I'm clearly a human so take your bullshit someplace else." She said waving him off.

"In layman's terms Femme fatale often just seduce men into doing as they please."  Said the boy with blonde hair.

"And women," Chestnut added cheerfully.

"Women?" Said a girl with a pony.

"Yeah, I mean why not," she said and winked. The girl with a pony looked away blushing.

"Right, so I am Aoi, Asahina." She said with a bright smile. "I'm the ultimate Swimming pro." Chestnut made her way around the room, as they all introduced themselves to her. When she got to someone who called themselves Mondo. She smiled at him. He placed his hand behind his head chuckled.

"So, Chestnut huh."

"Uh, huh." She said in her high-pitched flirtatious voice.

"Any other, uh cool nicknames you got there." She looked down and shrugged.

"Some call me, darling, babe, love, honey." She trailed off and giggled and then looked up at him. He was muscular, typically she wasn't into guys like him, but she thought to herself. 'oh well, he's cute, might as well give him a try.' He laughed a thunderous laugh and said.

"Mind if I call you babe then." He said with a wink.

"Course, just know you're not the only one." She said placing her hand on his chest, winking and walking away. He quickly frowned and looked at her confused. She walked up to the last student, which was the tall blond boy. He didn't even look at her.

"Hello." She said. He glanced at her and simply said.

"I'm Byakuya Togami, Ultimate Affluent Progeny."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Byakuya." She said blinking her eyes. She stood there in front of him neither of them said anything. "Can I help you with something?" he asked once again not looking at her.

"Oh, um no." she looked down.

"Then go, I have no reason to entertain with people such as you." She blinked in shock. That was probably the rudest thing someone said to her.

"Ok, that's mean."

"Stop. Talking." He said no rubbing his temple.

"Where do you get your kicks..." She couldn't even finish that sentence, he just walked away. She blinked in confusion. There was a tone that played, and a voice followed shortly after, telling them to head into the gym. Everyone started talking at once hoping that they would get the answers to what was going on around here. Hoping that we could get a start on our new academic life here, hoping, just hoping.

Chestnut (Danganronpa, Byakuya Togami Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now