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That part of the Bright Moon castle would've been deadly quiet if not for the booming sounds of thunder. Adora kept twisting around in her bed trying to find a comfortable position.

Everything was perfect. It had to be. They've defeated Horde Prime, and all of her friends were alive. Even better, they're all together. Catra finally joined the rebellion, just like she'd been wishing all those years. What more could she possibly ask for? Yet, for some reason, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

A flash of lightning interrupted her thoughts. For the first time in hours, Adora decided to abandon the comfort of her bed. She started fixing her usual ponytail, a process that became almost automatic by the years. She smiled fondly at the memory of her younger-self learning to do it just right.

"Hey, Adora! What's taking you so long? You're usually the one to drag me to training."

"I'm coming, I'm coming," said young Adora rushing to put her red jacket on. She hadn't realized how much time she spent on that ponytail.

"Hey, did you do something to your hair? It looks silly. Well, I guess that's why it suits you so much", giggled a pre-teen Catra.

"Haha, very funny," replied Adora curling up the corner of her mouth in a small smirk.

She never changed her hair after that, not counting the times she transformed into She-Ra, but that wasn't by choice.

Adora found herself roaming Bright moon's corridors. She knew her way around almost as well as the Fright Zone. That place was never her home though. Not really. You only mattered there only if you proved you were useful and more importantly, obedient. The Horde didn't need heroes, just soldiers.

The rhythmic sound of raindrops was loud and dulled out everything else. Adora welcomed the distraction. Perhaps that was why she didn't realize she wasn't alone.


The blonde came to a sudden stop and scanned the darkness for the source of the voice. Near the ceiling, she spotted a pair of mismatched eyes that could only belong to a certain feline. The girl in question landed perfectly on her feet despite the height. It was barely an inconvenience to her.

"What are you doing up, Adora?"

"I'd ask you the same thing, you know," responded the first girl teasingly.

"Well, I asked first," whisper-yelled Catra. The last thing she wanted was to awake the other Bright Moon residents. She still expected to be kicked out sooner or later. She wasn't an idiot, and she definitely wasn't naive. She knew people there were wary of her.

She was afraid of the possible consequences that would come when the joy and excitement of defeating Prime faded. She couldn't blame them. She did a lot of horrible stuff at her time in the Horde. She had to trust that Adora would stop them before they came after her with pitchforks and torches, right?

"Couldn't sleep," muttered Adora, her eyes glued to the floor.

It was obvious that Catra wasn't given the full truth. After all, her best friend had always been a terrible actor. In the end, she chose not to press any further. "Me neither."

The young hero pressed her back to the wall and let herself fall to the floor. Soon the short-haired girl followed her lead and sat right beside her. Catra placed her head on top of Adora's lap and tried to meet her blue eyes. Adora noticed the questioning look on Catra's face but pretended not to. She sighed and rested her head on the bright pink wall behind her. At least that's how she guessed it would look in the morning. The lack of light made the color seem like a shade between dark purple and gray.

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes. Or was it hours? Adora couldn't tell. The storm sure sounded the same.

"Adora, are we... are we okay?" asked Catra letting out a shaky breath.

Adora opened her eyes abruptly. She hadn't even realized that she'd closed them.

"Of course we are, Catra. I love you, you have nothing to worry about," she said, touching her lover's face soothingly. Were they lovers? She wasn't sure. Maybe that was the time to ask, but Catra beat her to it.

"Are we, you know... together?" the question left Catra's cheeks feeling hot, even though she tried to sound unbothered. She wasn't particularly good at these things or expressing emotions in general.

Adora took a second to admire Catra's face. She looked so cute when she was embarrassed. "Did you just ask me to be your girlfriend?" taunted Adora with a smirk on her face.

"Pfft, No! Get over yourself" yelled Catra, only remembering to lower her voice at the last minute.

Predictably, Adora's dorky laugh followed right after. Catra would endure all the embarrassment in the world if that meant she got to hear that sound for the rest of her life.

"Okay, maybe... If I- if I was, what would you say?"

Adora had to hold back not to continue the teasing. It was just too fun. The note of anxiety in Catra's voice, though, made her answer seriously.

"I'd say yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend."

They stared lovingly into each other's eyes for a moment that seemed to last forever before both of them started leaning in. Adora smiled just as their lips connected.

Maybe everything was perfect, after all.


Sup guys? I'm guessing most of you have watched season 5. What did you think? I loved it!

Inspiration for this chapter was wiki saying that Adora and Catra are girlfriends but they didn't exactly specify in the last episode. I might write more chapters or just leave it here. Idk yet

I hope you liked it!

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