chapter one

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It was a beautiful day birds were singing the leaves fluttered in the warm spring air. Todoroki was walking to ua, every morning his mom and dad would offer to drive him to school, but he allways refused saying that it was a beautiful day and that he would walk. Todoroki soon got to ua and entering the gates, he walked to class 1A and sat in his seat. Soon aizawa enters and starts class.
"Today we have a new student."
The door opens for everyone to see a mop of green hair and emerald eyes.
"Deku is that u?"
Izuku turns his attention to who spoke.
"Hi kacchan."
The two embrace in a hug.
"How u been Deku?"
"Ive been great, and u?"
"Im good."
They two sit down and aizawa continues the lesson deku takes notes.
"Ok class we will be taking a feild trip to the usj institution a week from now u may do what ever until lunch starts."
The bell rings for lunch. They go to lunch and suddenly a brunette and a boy with blue hair is in front of izuku.
"Hello I'm ochacko uraraka."
"Hi im tenya Iida."
Hello I'm izuku midoriya u can call me midoriya, izuku, or Deku which ever u prefer."
"Dosent Deku mean useless?" Uraraka asked in confusion.
"No not to me or kacchan to me it means that I can do anything I put my mind to."
"Why don't we go to lunch?" Iida suggests.
"Ok" the two reply in unison.

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