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A/N Hey guys, im not getting enough reads on this book and i understand im not the great of a writer but if you like the book can you please tell your friends about it, it would mean heaps :) xx 


"ZAYN! NO STOP." I screamed

"shh Iyesh, it's okay, I wont hurt you... much."  He smirked.

"Zayn please, dont do this." '

Tears started trickling down my face, I was so scared, this is it, its over, I'm over. He's going to kill me...


"Holy Shit" I breathed as I pressed the snooze button on my alarm, which was my white Iphone.

That was a really weird dream. I wiped the last few tears that were still rolling down my cheeks and got out of bed, I padded across my bedroom floor, picking up my timetable, checking what I lessons I have for school today.

"Ew, maths." I rolled my eyes.

I checked the time, 7:20, sweet I still have time for a shower. 

I turned the taps on, a screeching noise errupting from them as the hot water heated the cold pipes. I hoped in, letting the water flow over my body. I washed myself with some strawberry smelling body wash, I cleaned my face and got out. I didn't bother washing my hair cause it takes too long to dry. I wrapped the towel around my wet body and headed back to my room, pulling on my ugly school uniform. I pulled a brush through my tangled hair and put it into a messy bun. I applied some nuteral foundation, light mascara and a clear coat of lip gloss.

Once I packed my bag, I headed to the kitchen and made myself some toast with nutella, yum.  I quickly finished my breakfast and brushed my teeth, I looked in the mirror one more time, approving of my appereance and left. 


I walked into the school gates and imediently saw Jade.

"Jade.... Jaade... JAAAADEE." I called out to her.

she didn't even turn around, I swear she's like part deaf.

I ran to the lockers, where she was standing, putting my books away, and greeted her with a friendly hug, her long black hair wipping my face and getting stuck in my lip gloss as she leaned in.

"Hey Iyesh." she smiled.

"heey, ready for maths?" 

I said, quickly spitting out her hair so I could reply.

"yeah, ew haha." she laughed.

" I know haha." 

I turned back around to my locker, getting the books I needed for the first lesson, shutting the door with a slam, giving myself and everyone around me a fright. oopsy.

" Oh my god, Iyesh you didnt tell me that your bestfriend was that hot!" she said while pointing a long finger in Zayn's direction.

" mm, thats cause that's not him." I replied.

" Then who's th-" 

She was cut off by Zayn strudding over and introducing himself.

"Hey, Im Zayn." he said looking her up and down, taking in her appereance, while holding out his hand for her to shake.

"Hi, I'm Jade" 

She cooed taking his hand in a firm grasp and shaking it slowly, while she gazed into his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2012 ⏰

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