Road trip

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The bedroom door was kicked open. By who? Take a guess.
"Wake up sleepy ass!"
"Omg Kuroo-san get out! Let me sleep!"
"Not a chance now get up, from Bo?"
"Wai-" Akaashi turned completely red.
He quickly got up from Bokuto who hasn't woken up yet.
"Was his chest comfortable?"
"Yes... Now get out"
"I'm hungry. But I can't make food I'll burn down your kitchen and Yaukkun won't wake up"
"Just eat some snacks. Let me sleep"
Akaashi laid down on the bed again.
"I don't know where they are" Kuroo said shrugging.
"Are you-Over the fridge. The second cabinet"
Kuroo left quietly closing the door.
Akaashi rolled over so his back was facing Bokuto, he was dozing off when he was pulled back by Bokuto. He didn't realize what was happening he fell asleep feeling safe.
Yaku woke up and went down, he went to the kitchen where he walked into Kuroo who was just coming out eating chocolate and looking really down.
"Hey Kuroo you good?"
"No..." Yaku was concerned, Kuroo hasn't looked so down since their first lose.
"What's wrong?" he had an idea why Kuroo was so down.
"I miss Kenma..."
"What happened? Normally this wouldn't be a problem for you? We have been away with our class for two weeks without a looking so down"
"I wanna cuddle with him..."
"Kuroo what happened that you miss him so much?"
Kuroo didn't answer his question, he continued mumbling about how much he misses Kenma.
Yaku gave up he had no chance against Kuroo's depressed mode only Kenma could do something against it.
Yaku patiently waited for Akaashi and Bokuto to wake up, he watched some TV but couldn't really concentrate on the show since Kuroo was next to him mumbling about how much he missed Kenma.
He decided that enough was enough so he left to get Kuroo's phone, he unlocked it and clicked on Kenma's contact he went back to Kuroo waiting for Kenma to accept the FaceTime. He had just reached the living room when Kenma picked up.
"Kenma I really need your help. I don't know what happened but Kuroo is in upset and keeps on mumbling how much he misses you. I don't know what to do anymore. I know it's lunchtime right now and you probably don't wanna deal with him right now but I can't do anything and it's ticking me off."
There were some girls talking in the background.
"Yeah, let me get out of here first." Kenma stood up and left his classroom walking to the music room that no one ever uses.
"Thanks you saved me from these girls. They are so annoying, always talking to me but they actually just want Kuroo's number. Like girls it's little bit stupid to ask his boyfriend for his number"
"It sure is. Give me a second"
He walked behind Kuroo and tapped his shoulder.
Kuroo turned around and Yaku handed him his phone and then left.
He was still waiting for Akaashi and Bokuto to wake up.
Finally an hour later Akaashi left the room, Yaku didn't see him but the steps were quite which means that it wasn't Bokuto.
He got up and went down too.
"Morning Yaku-san"
"How did you know it was me?"
"Many quite steps"
"What do you want to eat?"
"I already ate. Is Bokuto still asleep?"
"Yes. I tried to wake him up.Not even an reaction"
"I feel you. Training camps are the worst. Do you know how hard it is to wake up Lev??"
"It would probably be easier if you just kissed him awake" Akaashi said shrugging no hint of a joke in his voice.
"Well maybe it works with Bokuto too"
"Nice comeback Yaku-san"
"I know, but seriously. When will something happen with you two??"
"When will something happen with you and Lev??"
"Just asking"
"Stoppp askinggg"
"Will never happen"
"I hate you"
"Yea I hate myself too"
"Akaashi! You're supposed to say that you hate me too. Not yourself!"
"I was just saying the truth"
"Did you forget to drink your love yourself juice?"
"Haven't drank it in years"
"Akaashi. Stop right there. If you say that again I will hug you death"
"Death sounds nice"
Bokuto seemed to have woken up by the bickering between those two.
"Kaashi stop making death jokes..."
"Eek-Mo-morning Kō"
"Morning Bokuto"
"Morning Yaku"
"I will get Kuroo since we have a trip with the class today"
"Where are you going?"
"The animal park"
"Kō? Can we go too? Please" Akaashi knew that he could never say no to his please.
"Yaku-san. When we were in that animal park Kō fell into a fucking river."
"How? How Bokuto???"
"Just happened"
"Bro why didn't you tell me you fell into a river!"
"Forgot that I fell into it"
"Bro how can you forget that you fell into a river?"
"Bro stop asking I don't know how I forgot it"
"Bro your stupid"
"Your stupid too"
Akaashi and Yaku had to stop them from killing each other since they had to leave soon.

The trip with their class was pretty fun. Akaashi got to see his sister again and they decided that she'd come and visit them soon.
Bokuto was happy to see Akaashi smile and so were Kuroo and Yaku.
They made small groups and just walked around admiring the animals and nature.
It was over to quick tho.
Of course all of them were tired and all, but that didn't stop them from watching comedy movies together. Enjoying one of the last days with them. Akaashi would miss them especially Yaku, he'd never say it out loud but he'll miss Kuroo too.
Somehow, don't ask how, they all fell asleep on the couch.

Is this a new chapter? Uhh yes
Do I have enough motivation to make up for the long pause? Nope
Do I have the time to write many chapters? Yes
Also we got the 12k!!

I'm going to help you ||Bokuaka|| 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒑𝒔𝒆𝒅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon