💮 Sequel 💮

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You guys asked for it, here it is, a little explanation from the ending of the story, it's gonna be short because the explanation isn't much but I felt bad leaving you guys on a cliff hanger!

I was talking to Kairi when I heard my daughter calling me "mommy... mommy... mommmmyyyyy"

Y/n: not right now hunny I'm talking to daddy ok?

Y/d/n: mommy who's that guy in our back yard?

My heart dropped when I heard her say that... I dropped the phone and felt like collapsing when I heard a knock at the window and a demonic laugh.

I turned around just to see a psycho looking man at my window before he smashed a rock into the window. I froze and couldn't react fast enough... before I knew it a knife was sticking out of my neck and everything started to go black. I looked over to my kids screaming and crying.... last thing I saw before everything went black....

Kairis pov

I heard everything that happened, from something smashing to my kids screaming. I called the cops as fast as I could. While speeding down the highway thinking the worse. I pull up just to see cops all surrounding my neighborhood. I practically ran out of the car and ran to my front door, I was stopped by two police officers. They asked me what I was doing and why I was there. I told them that was my house and they just looked at eachother, I took my chances to walk in and walk to the kitchen "hey! You can't go in there" I ignored them and pushed my way threw detectives and officers.

I made it to my kitchen and broke the tape they had, one of the detectives stood up, what I saw made my heart drop and tears started to form. I saw y/n figure on the floor. She was covered with a blanket, she was surrounded by blood. What was worse was there was writing on the wall in her blood. It said.


I dropped down on the ground "I'm sorry kid" the detective said

Kairi: where are my kids!

Detective: your kids....

Kairi: my kids! My fucking kids!

Detectives: I'm sorry, here this note was left for you. When you're done reading please return it to me we can use this as evidence.

The detective passes me a note.


Dear Kairi, I know I don't have much time before the cops come but I'm making this short and simple. She meant everything to me. It hurt me killing her. But I had to. It was my job. I've noticed you guys had kids. You guys would've had a beautiful future. Sad I had to take that away. From the day I saw her in that graduation outfit I knew she had a bright future. Don't bother looking for your kids. You won't ever find them again. Please, don't take this personally, tell the boys I miss them and wish things could've ended differently.

It hurt reading every single sentence that was wrote. I had nothing to live for at this point. I still had my kids I needed to find though.

News article

Former kidnapper and serial killer Mattia Polibio has escaped prison and is still on the run. He has already killed his first victim and abducted the women's children. Y/n y/l/n was murdered yesterday afternoon. He's had history with this girl. This was the girl that put him behind bars 2 years ago. yesterday he seeked his revenge on the poor female. Please if you see this man call the police right away, he's a dangerous man.

12 years later

Mattia nor the kids have been found. Kairi tried looking for them for 10 years but gave up and died over an overdose. All of the boys went their separate ways and non have talked since. The case is still open but the kids are just pronounced dead at this point. Mattia remains missing to this day as well.

Mattias pov

They made me do it.... I would of never made it out of jail without their help. Kairis kids... well, they were the finishing touch of the sacrifice. Because of the sacrifice I will never be caught. Ever again. You may be asking "what was the sacrifice ?" I had to kill somebody I would take a bullet for. Somebody I planned my future with. Somebody I loved the most. Y/n was that person. "What about her kids? Why them" to finish the sacrifice I had to drown somebody they cared about. And then I saw she had kids. She always wanted kids, now here I am a free man forever.....


after Mattia went to jail, he met a guy that was in a demonic cult. It would deal with the devil and demons, demonic rituals, pretty much selling your soul to the devil. After he met the man the guy told him that he was gonna get out and Mattia could join the cult if he wanted to be free for ever as well. Mattia agreed and for him to be free he had to kill somebody he cares about without getting caught, that person would have to be somebody he cared about, Aka you. And yeah that's pretty much it

Again thank you guys so much for reading my book! I felt bad leaving you guys on a cliff hanger and a lot of you guys were confused so I had to finish it up. Thanks a lot for the support! Yes this will be the last one because it pretty much just explained the rest of their life and Mattia is pretty much "immortal" now.


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