/8/ ⌛️The Clock Keepers Pt. 2⌛️

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The classroom looked like a jungle

Akari though as she inspected the room. It looked old, and abandoned. It was kinda like those ancient places in movies that was forgotten.

The floor was covered in dust, the walls and the ceiling were cracking up, the windows were shattered. The desks and chairs were all rusted and broken. And the students' things were scattered on the floor.

Once the class entered their classroom, they inspected their things. One's lunch was rotten, their bags were tattered and dirty, even the textbooks looked old. Akane's hanitaro was broken. Akari inspected the place.

What could have happened?

She saw Akane asking Aoi if her stuff was fine. Akari waited for her answer and got a

"Huh?! It looks like my stuff is fine........" Akari raised a brow.

'Fine huh......'

Then she saw Nene inspecting a tree. After seconds of looking at it, she went out. Probably to see Hanako.

Akari checked her things too.

It wasn't that wrinkled like her classmates'. It was kinda old but some stuff stayed the same.

She's had enough. Before leaving, Akari took her katana that was covered by a white cloth (like Teru's black one.) and went to the student council room.

'Seems like I'm gonna do some snooping alone...." she thought as opened the sliding door and went inside the room. Seeing Teru sitting infront of the desk. he was in deep thoughts. His elbows was placed on the table and his chin was rested in the back side of his hands, with his eyes closed. He looked like he was dozing off but that's not the point. He was muttering something. Though Akari couldn't hear it.

"Minamoto-senpai." She called out getting his attention.

"Oh, Akari. So you just came back to school?" He asked while standing up from where he was sitting.

"Yes......listen, I have to ask you something." Akari said. Teru smiled at her.

"Let me guess, you felt it too right?" He asked crossing his arms.

"What was that about?" She said looking at Teru.

"I also don't know, but one thing is certain......"

"This is a work of a supernatural." He said with a slight annoyance in his voice.

"That is certain, but....why all of a sudden?"

"Who knows, maybe they're just stirring trouble I gues—"


Teru was interrupted by hearing a clock ticking fast. Both of them raised their guard up, as they felt the pressure. Then something changed.

Akari looked at Teru, confused.

"Uh.....Minamoto-senpai.......why are wearing that?" She asked. When Teru looked back at her, his eyes widened.

"Well, what are you wearing? And you look like a woman." Teru pointed out.

Then they noticed what they were wearing. Both of them weren't in their uniforms anymore, they were both wearing a Yukata. And somehow, they both looked older. "Woah......this is getting out of hand....." Akari facepalmed.

"......and what do you mean I look like a woman?!?? What am I a kid??" She said as she pouted at Teru making him chuckled.

"Yep........Anyway, I think I know who might have caused this."

Just a friend? (Akane x OC x Teru) 『continued!』Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora