Chapter 5- Shall We...

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Ariella shivers a bit as she steps out of her electric blue Ford Fiesta. She begins to dial Isabella's number to figure out the whereabouts of Sebastian. "Pick up pick up pick uuuupppp. Gosh, its freezing out here." Ariella chatters bringing her arms closer together.

Ariella never liked the cold. It was just miserable and no one could put on enough layers to be warm. "Merri dear, you want to know a secret about staying warm."

"Grampie, don't tease!" little Ariella squeaks shivering.

"Just remember your favorite place. You know that little place on the beach I take you to. That is the secret my little Merri. Just close your eyes...." Grampie's voice begins to fade

Ariella closes her eyes as she travels to the time on the beach with her grandpa. She smiles and begins to feel the summer heat, the sound of the crashing waves, and the warm smell of hotdogs on the grill. She breathes a deep breath feeling the heaviness of her shoulders. She never knew her shoulders were this heavy. Her senses kick in as she comes back to reality. She opens her eyes to see that Sebastian is in front of her smiling while holding two cups of what smells to be hot chocolate. "Who knew the Snow Queen can smile like that. Hot chocolate?" Sebastian says bringing the cup towards Ariella.

Ariella reaches for the cup to feel her arms brush against what would be Sebastian's jacket. "I appreciate the well as the jacket. However, I feel you will need the jacket more than I after a while."

Ariella begins to shrug off the jacket to give back to him. Sebastian pulls the jacket back onto her shoulders. "No, I brought it thinking you would come without one. I am naturally hot not including the good looks." Sebastian winks.

"Don't flatter yourself. Besides we won't be staying long. I just came to retrieve the phone and then go back home." Ariella lifts her eyes a bit at him.

"Oh but what fun would I have being alone with no one to enjoy these lovely lights with me. I hear you have a soft spot for lights and that you have been dying to see them. You wouldn't leave a poor soul all by himself now would you." Sebastian's eyes twinkle with playfulness.

Ariella chuckles a bit at this. "Let me guess Isabella. Gosh, she is a tough cookie."

"Not as tough as you. So what do you say? Just one night walking under the stars, enjoying the company of each other, and admiring the lights." Sebastian chimes.

"You make it sound as though it's a date. You're cute but not that cute. I will go along with you, BUT this is NOT a date." Ariella pokes her finger at him emphasizing on the NOT.

"The trail awaits my lady." Sebastian bows folding one arm to his chest and one extending out to the trial of twinkling lights.

Ariella hides her smile as she sips her delicious Hot Chocolate. Sebastian quickly strides beside her. Ariella eventually forgets everything as she becomes dazzled by the many lights. Soldiers like that of the Nutcracker, sleighs, and reindeer, even a castle is displayed. "My lady, I feel we have found your castle. Such a lovely one must I say." Sebastian breaks the silence.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" Sebastian turns to her with the castle outline lights behind him.

She doesn't speak for the moment taking in the sight which reminds her of what a knight, duke, or even prince would look like. Even with the night sky shadowing his features, her heart thumps a little at the sight of him. "Is the Lady falling for me already?" Sebastian once again breaks her thoughts.

"No!," she squeaks before clearing her throat, "Trying to figure out why you speak as you do as though I am a princess."

"Oh but you are as well as the many other women out there. Did you not know? Fairy tales are true.....maybe not what is told in stories but definitely true."

She scrunches her nose in confusion. "What do you mean 'Fairy tales are true'? Did you mom drop you on your head? Reality says otherwise. No prince rides on their horse to save the day, no parent searches the land to find their long lost child, and there are no fire breathing dragons might I add."

"Ah like I said not like the stories say but they do exist. You may not have a ballroom where the prince meets the princess. However, you have lights that make the moment in which the princess and prince notice each other," Ariella feels Sebastian's eyes on her, "The prince admires the princess as he comes near her," Sebastian takes the Hot Chocolate cups and places them down on the ground, "He takes her hand breathing her in before bowing," Ariella feels her face burning with a blush to his nearness and praying to God for the night hiding the blush, "He takes her other hand and they begin to dance." Sebastian voice fades.

Sebastian places one of Ariella's hands to his shoulder while keeping hold of the other, extending it out slightly beside them. Ariella keeps her eyes locked with his for a moment before looking away. Her tries to clear her throat again but squeaks "People are watching."

"Let them." Ariella feels Sebastian's voice vibrate from his chest.

"There is no music." Ariella tries to exhale.

"There doesn't need to be music for the many to hear. Only the prince and princess need to hear."

Ariella looks up at Sebastian, locking eyes with his again. She forgets to breath and feels the pounding of her heart. Something in her made her curious as to what it would be like to be his. Just to snuggle up on the couch beside him reading a book as he wraps his arms around her, placing his chin on her shoulder. WAIT! SNAP OUT OF IT GIRL! She is aware that they have stopped dancing and that his face is coming closer to her. She turns her head quickly stuttering, " I said, Fairy.....fairy tales are not t.....true."

She pulls away, regretting the cold feeling that braces her awake. She exhales rubbing her hands at her sweater. Sebastian picks the cups up again and throws them into the nearest trashcan. Thank you Lord for that, she sends a praise to God. She begins to catch up to Sebastian before tripping forward. Sebastian quickly holds out his arms bringing her closer to him. "Maybe you should hold on to me while we finish our trail. I won't try anything, you have my word." Sebastian hand engulfs hers.

The warmth spreads making what cold she did feel go away. "What are you trying to say Lord?" Ariella mutters.

"Did you say something?" Sebastian looks at her.

"Just to hurry up because it's freezing out here." Ariella lifts her chin up a bit

Sebastian chuckles saying "You women and the cold."

Sebastian and Ariella finish the trail without one word to each other. Sebastian brings Isabella's out of his back pocket and hands it to Ariella seeming a little reluctant. "Thank you for the trail, Hot Chocolate and returning Isabella's phone. Now if you don't mind, I will be going."

"Ariella wait." Sebastian grabs Ariella's wrist lightly.

Ariella's eyes widen a bit at the tingling that spreads through her. The feeling irritates her making her feel a bit vulnerable. "Yes?" She tries to hide the irritation.

"I know that we started off on the wrong and I would like to apologize for earlier at lunch today. However, I would like to see you again sometime. I do enjoy your company a lot and would like to see where things go."

"Sebastian, we just met," Ariella pulls her wrist away; "I cannot say I share the same feelings of wanting to see you again. I have a lot going on and do not have time to gallivant around. I do, however, also apologize for my actions earlier today. I understand that I am also at fault for our rough start. Now if you excuse me, it is late and I have much to do tomorrow."

Ariella turns around with her chin held high once more not hearing Sebastian smirk "We will meet again my Snow Queen."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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