Chapter 2- Ye of Little Faith

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-A week later

“Ariella, Ariella listen to me.” A shadow says

“Who are you and what do you want?!" Ariella yells

“Ariella I know the plans I have for you and have faith.” The shadow replies

“God is that you?”

“Ariella have faith.” The shadow says before it vanishes

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Ariella grumbles as she turns off her alarm."Ugh what a weird dream and what does it mean by have faith?"Ariella questions

She drags her sleepless body out of bed and towards the kitchen. The smell of coffee fills the kitchen putting a smile on her face as she remembers when she was little she would wake up to her grandpa brewing his strongest cup of coffee. He would say "How's my little Merri?"

Her phones rings to God Girl by Jamie Grace which returns Ariella to present day. Its Isabella calling to tell Ariella that she needs her help in a big convention at the library downtown and to be there at nine o’clock this morning. “Oh Ari my book sold millions! Who would have ever thought that putting a twist to Beauty and the Beast would sell like hotcakes!!!!”

“Congrats Bells! Yes, the switching of beauty being the boy and the beast being the girl is indeed quite an interesting way of being done.” Ariella chuckles

“Oh and one more thing there is going to be a man there who I believe you will absolutely love. He is tall dark, and handsome!” Isabella squeals on the phone.

“No, I don’t need one of your hook me ups. Remember that last one that was tall, dark, and handsome.” Ariella grumbles.

She really was in no mood for any matchmaking or man for that matter. Her former fiancé walked out on her a month before their wedding. It took her three years to even walk outside her home. Since then Isabella tries to play matchmaker. She loves that Isabella wants to help her, but love is not what she wants.

“How was I supposed to know he had a thing for legs and hairy legs for that matter. You have to admit he was a sight.” Isabella giggles snapping Ariella back to reality.

Ariella joins in with Isabella on the laughter. “Alright I need to get ready then Bells,” Ariella laughs “Wouldn’t want to disappoint.”

As Ariella gets off the phone with Isabella, she looks in the mirror displayed in the hallway. She jumps at the horrible sight of herself. She then glances at the clock which displays thirty minutes till nine. She quickly puts on her favorite blue sweater, faux leather pants and not forgetting her lucky jingle boots. She makes it in the nick of time as she arrives at the library. “You made it and guess who is also here!” Isabella jumps a little with excitement

Following behind her is a man who reminds Ariella of Prince Eric off of The Little Mermaid. His jet black hair sweeps back perfectly, his blue eyes remind her of the sea, and lightly darken skin. He wears a white button down shirt with the top two unbuttoned, his slacks are navy blue that looks like they have been pressed that morning, and his black shoes shine like a mirror. It looks like he took care of his appearance which she has a few ideas to what personality he has. “Ariella, I would like you to meet Eric.” Isabella says as he stands beside her.

“Actually it’s Sebastian Bella. Hi, nice to meet you…. I believe she said your name is Ari……”He smiles brightly at her

“Ella, Ariella.” Ariella quickly states

Sebastian extends his hand out towards her and Ariella just looks at his hand. She really isn’t in the mood to know Sebastian anymore. Isabella scowls at Ariella and nudges her. Ariella finally gives Sebastian her hand in which he kisses the back of. A tingling sensation was left where his lips once were. She scratches her hand in annoyance to the feeling and gives a light smile towards Sebastian. She is definitely not ready to start the day knowing he is going to be with her every step of the way.

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