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Utterly existing simply for the sake to say
That I'm trying
Even though I pick
Myself up after
Collapsing on the unswept kitchen floor
Every single morning with the exception
Of Sunday
What now is known as my least favorite day
Even though it used to
Be my only break
From those mean kids at school
You skipped me when
Handing out pencils
And put my papers on the edge of the desk
So I could watch it fall
But do nothing to catch it
While they snickered
And laughed
And knocked
All the heavy books I bore
Out of my hand just
For the fun of it
And the teachers
They always saw
And did nothing
So I picked them up and
Kept walking
With my head held high
And my sense of so low
Feeling like the
Wrecked car everyone slows by
If only for one glance
But they always keep driving
And I keep hurting

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