Not so bad

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"Sky wake up!" I woke up to my Aunt yelling from downstairs. I groaned but got up anyway, Why oh why god did you let humans invent school and make it so early? I thought glancing at my clock which read 6:00 a.m

I took a quick shower and dressed in some black skinny jeans, a white halter top and some flats.I applied some eyeliner and mascara, that's about the only makeup I usually wear. I looked at myself in the mirror deciding whether to put my hair in a bun or leave it down. I chose for the second option, I liked how the light wind dried my hair.

I glanced at the clock again only to realize that I had about ten minutes before Tyler got here. Hastily I made my way down the stair picking my backpack on the way. Aunt Linda had already made my breakfast and was set in the counter island.

Just as I was about to eat it I heard a honking outside which I assumed to be Tyler. I went over quickly to Aunt Linda and gave her a quick hug. "Bye." "Bye honey have a good day, don't get into fights unless you are provoked!" she yelled as I went out the door. 

Tyler smiled once he saw me walking towards him with my backpack in one hand and my toast in the other. "Hey"  "Hey" he responded. I got in the passenger seat and buckled up while eating my piece of toast.

Somewhere in the way to school I must've fallen asleep because I woke up to Tyler parking in front of a big building that didn't look like a school. It looked like it could be used for a better purpose than for a teaching place. The only way you could tell that it was a school was because it had 'Lockbrook High Shool' written in big cream letters on the building. 

I opened the door of the car and tried  go out forgetting that I hadn't unbuckled from my seat. I blushed at my stupidness hoping that Tyler hadn't seen that. He didn't, so I made sure to unbuckle from the seat and got out. 

"Tyler!" I tried spotting him over the crowds of teenagers that had gathered in the parking lot. There were some around some very expensive flashy cars, there were other having intense make out sessions but no Tyler.  

'Oh well guess I'll have to find my way around' I thought although I was still looking for him. I wasn't looking where I was going and I suddenly hit something very hard. I fell on my butt painfully, "Oh I'm sorry" I apologized, man bumping into people was starting to become a habit with me. I dusted the dirt off my pants cursing myself for wearing black.

"It's alright just watch where you're going next time." A husky voice responded. I looked up to see the most handsomest guy that I had ever encountered in my life. He had hazel eyes like those of a sly fox, and luscious pouty kissable lips. He was tall seeing as I had to look up just to look at his face and he was tan.

He was wearing a simple white T-shirt with a black jacket and some black jeans with black biker boots. Although his shirt was lose fitting you could see his muscles under the shirt. When I looked back up at him I could see a smirk plastered on his face. I blushed realizing that I had been checking him out.

 In my embarrassment I wanted to look away but his intense gaze had me tingling and I found myself unable to look away. "Like what you see?" he asked cockily. I almost nodded but then I realized what I was about to do. Why was I acting like this? I shook my head to clear my head.

"N-no." I stuttered, I knew his type very well and I didn't want anything to do with them. 'You liar, you know you like him.' my head told me 'Shut up' 

He just smiled and walked past me, thank god I don't think I could have survived another second with him looking at me like that. 

"Tyler!" I called out one last time. "I'm right here" I jumped up when I realized he was behind me. He laughed and I hit his shoulder lightly "Where were you?  I've been looking for you for the past three minutes."  "I went to go pick up your schedule for you, as of now I will be your guide for the rest of the day." I smiled "thanks" 

"Do we have any classes together? " I asked curiously. "Sadly no but I will be able to take you to your classes."

The bell rand signaling everyone to go to their first period class. Tyler led me over to a long hallway that I guessed led me to Pre-calculus class room 300 with Mr. Henderson. Tyler gave me small smile before leaving me and heading off to his class.

All of my morning classes went the same way as the first one, Tyler led me to my classes around and around the school building which I was sure that I was going to get lost eventually and then I would have to introduce myself in front of the class which was mortifying. 

By the time lunch came around I had already met about three great girls, Mary a very pretty lean girl, Chloe a bubbly blonde girl , and Mikayla a dark hair beauty.

"So how do you like it here so far?" Mikayla asked sitting across from me in the round table. "It's great." I smiled at her, it truly was a good school. "Have you seen anybody you liked so far?" Chloe asked then smiling as if she knew something that I didn't. I thought about it for a second trying to remember the cute guys I had seen but only one came to mind. The guy I had seen in the morning.

"Well there was one guy that I sort of liked I mean I can't explain it, I just feel attracted to him and I know that sounds ridiculous considering this is my first day here but" I shut up realizing that I was babbling. They laughed and I blushed feeling completely stupid. 

"Do you know his name?" they asked. " No, I bumped into him this morning." I said and they immediatley stopped laughing . "Do you mean Toby? The one you ran into.' Mary asked with an expression that could only be described as shock. "Wait, you  guys saw when I ran into him?" I was sure that no one had noticed me falling on my ass. "Yeah everybody was staring actually." Chloe added making me blush further. 

Of course they would stare, I was the new girl and that was expected. "Toby huh?" They all said with a mysterious edge to it.  Just then the bell rang and Tyler appeared out of nowhere to take me to my last period of the. Thankfully Mrs. Turner didn't make me present myself in front of the class. I sat in the seat in the back of the class.

Five minutes into the lesson I doze off, I had already learned this last year. Suddenly the class door opened and  there was 'Toby'  I noticed some of the students lower their heads as he walked in.

"Mr.Hunter where have you been?" Mrs.Turner asked facing the blackboard. "I was busy doing something." He answered simply and Mrs. Turner surprised me when she asked no further questions and let him go onto his seat. I thought that she would've given him detention or at least made him go for a tardy slip but she didn't. 

Everybody's eyes were on Toby as he came towards the back. "Oh look the new girl is in Toby's seat." I heard a blonde girl whisper to a red head. "Remember what he did to Chelsey when she did that." The red head exclaimed clearly excited to see what would happen just like everybody else.

I stood up gathering my things to move, I didn't want to cause a scene. He grabbed my arm before I could move myself to another seat. I looked up into his eyes and I could feel myself starting to get lost in his eyes again. "No Sky it's fine." he said stopping me. "No it's your seat I can just move to that one over there." I pointed to one of the desks in the front. "No sit." he commanded and so I sat. Everyone gasped at his kindness which meant he wasn't usually like this.

I watched as he pulled one of the front desks and placed it next to mine in the way back. When I turned to look back, everyone even the teacher had their mouths opened in shock. By now my face was red from all the attention that I was getting.

"Continue." Toby ordered the teacher and she did as told. Why was he being so nice to me? Maybe he's not so bad afterall.

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