20 questions 2

33 0 39

Maybe I should rename this book... XD

Anyway, imma get right into it UwU

1. Name

Lily, y'all know that :3

2. Height

I'm around 161cm tall (So in between Mina and Deku's height!)

3. Weight

Idk exactly XD But I do know that I'm the average weight of a 12 year old. QwQ Actually, my sister can pick me up and carry me around, and she's 2 years younger than me. -w-

4. Age

14 UwU

5. Birthday

7th of March OwO

6. Girl BFF


(Previously known as Pokeshipper936)


7. Guy BFF

He isn't on Wattpad -w- 

8. Crush

Don't got one unless you count Ochaco

9. Ever fall in love

Nope lol

10. Favourite food

My favourite food is toast -w- (I wish there was a question for a favourite drink tho because that would be Milo and I love it more than toast XD)

11. Last text

The last text I sent was to my mum hehe

12. Battery percentage

My laptop is on 20% (better get my charger) and my phone is on 35%.

13. Eye colour


14. Addiction

I already said this last chapter, like many others but I can't keep track of which ones lol XD.

15. Favourite song


Oh my goodness, this is is going to be REALLY HARD TO CHOOSE!

I love a lot of songs, but at the moment I'm getting back into Non Copyright Sounds music and I really like the song Hope by Tobu. IKSON WILL ALWAYS BE MY FAVOURITE ARTIST THOUGH!

16. Favourite animal

I said dis already UwU

17. Favourite colour

Said it already :T

18. Shoe size

I'm like an 8 or something idk XD

19. Sing in the shower

Nope, I would but I would find it weird XDDD

20. One wish


I wish people would stap hating on themselves and love themselves instead T^T

Also I wish I was more confident hehe-

LiLy It SaId OnE wIsH!!!

Okay okay

21. Best time in your life

Hm, I've had a lot of moments like that, but probably some time like New Years (2019 new year's maybe? Would've been 2020 new years but it was really quiet TvT).

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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