20 questions 1

66 2 67

Okay, 30 questions then XD Oh also if you want to you can answer the questions for yourself in the comments!

1. Where were you 3 hours ago?

I was in bed, asleep. -w-

2. Confession

*tries to think of a confession* IF I COME UP WITH ONE, I'LL WRITE IT HERE I PROMISE

3. Bad habits?

I twirl my hair a lot XD So it gets super knotty and it's annoying lol

4. Favourite colour?

My favourite colour is aqua (hence the name UwU), but I really like purple too.

5. What colour is your toothbrush?

Okay then XD My toothbrush is pink and white lol

6. Can you drive?

Does Mariokart count?

Lol nope (of course not, I'm 14 XD I know I know the questions are for most ages lol), but I can't wait until I can! OwO 

7. Birthday

March 7th -w-

8. Addiction

I'm addicted to music, food and My Hero Academia XD 

9. 3 pet peeves

i. Drawing without an eraser

ii. When your ear is itchy

iii. When you can hear people chewing

There's also when people (aka my sister) drink out of the bathroom tap and when you have a song stuck in your head and there's that one lyric you can't remember, but I won't mention them because it says 3. -w-

10. Last person you hugged

Probably my mum but idk for sure

11. Zodiac sign


12. Something you miss

Primary school QwQ High school is fun but I loved primary school too -w- AND I MISS MY TEACHERS TOO T^T Most of dem had to leave ma primary school for one reason or another, but luckily ma grade 2 teacher is still working there and is currently teaching my sister -w- (It's also her birthday today (18th May) so happy bday to ma teacher! My sister and her classmates are currently thanking her and singing her happy birthday and it's the sweetest thing) Oh and so is my grade 6 teacher, she teaches sports now!

13. What song is stuck in your head at the moment?

Lol, the song I'm listening to, Eclipse by Jim Yosef. :3

14. Eye colour

Aqua-grey :3

15. What state or part of the world do you live in?

I live in Australia UwU Y'all know dat-

16. Favourite quote


'Y e e t'

-Me, right now

17. Somewhere you would like to visit

THE MY HERO ACADEMIA HOTEL! It's in Japan tho so I probably won't be able to go anytime soon -w-

18. Do you like your name?

I love ma name. UwU

19. Favourite season?

Summer! :3

20. What type of phone do you have?

I have an Alcatel -w- hehe

21. Something you're excited for.

I'm excited for Ren to get her revenge on me XD

22. How long does it take you to get ready?

Well it depends on what I'm getting ready for, but no that I'm mostly getting ready for online schooling, about 10 minutes or so.

23. Biggest fear

I have emetophobia. It's a fear of vomit >m<. Also, my family and friends being hurt.

24. Favourite band

I don't really have a favourite band, but I do have a favourite artist: Ikson! I also like music by Jim Yosef and Tobu, but I do like songs with vocals as well.

25. Favourite animal

My favourite animals are cats! :3 Dogs are really cute too -w-

26. Favourite person


Idk lol, probably one of my family members or friends.

It good to have self-love tho :3

27. One food you hate

Idk, I guess I would only hate a food if I actually could not eat it at all (because I would hate it so much). But I dislike Brussels sprouts hehe. (And also broccoli but not as much as I used to)

28. (When I was typing the number I typed 278 by accident, not lying XD) Favourite movies

I guess I don't have a favourite yet, but when I watch the MHA movies they'll definitely be my favourite. OwO

29. Do you get grossed out easily?

Nah, not really, but sometimes I pretend I've lost my appetite to get out of eating dinner, jokingly of course XD

30. Relationship status

Single as a pringle. UwU


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