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I'm Vicki Wicker, the main character.


Okay... You're probably thinking I'm a shitty writer, huh? Well don't judge too fast! This is only the prologue! I've always been horrible with writing the first line, but once it's there, it'll get better! Expect slow updates though...

I've written many stories that have never seen the light of day considering I never plan anything out, which I'm doing this time, so let's hope this is the one!

I've written Shadow vs Misty, Little Angel, MELT, My Hiro, and probably a bunch more I've chosen to forget. This is the reboot for My Hiro by the way. Same place, same characters, but with plot this time probably!

I'm open to questions and suggestions also. Anything at all you'd like to ask about or help me with, just leave it in the comments or DM me and I'll assure you it'll give feedback!


Anyways, yeah... I'm Vicki. I was a weird kid, at least weird compared to the other kids. The Watchers universe is very boring. Everyone is the same, no powers, no abilities.

The point is I'm a witch. Well, half... My mom was a clairsentience witch meaning she could feel spirits, but not hear or see them; I sort of can if there aren't many people around. I found out when I was young. I had a dream about a bee that followed me around and when I woke up, he was in my room. Needless to say, I was a bit shocked. I screamed for my mom and she told me that I was a witch. She neglected to tell me in the hopes that I could actually make friends. Unlike her, I'm not very good with spells or potions quite yet. The bee still follows me around and I must say, he is a pain in the ass.

The whole universe/dimensions thing confuses me too, so you aren't alone there. From what I know, someone somewhere made something that can carry people through dimensions and across universes. Whoever they were, they shared the technology with the people they found until a bunch of people new how to use it. The Watchers universe however, won't accept this technology. Something about "If we can't figure it out ourselves, we don't need it". That's why it's crossed off the map. No one in, no one out. Except my friend DJ, who was banished from her home, Ledas. She made her own universe/dimension traveling thingy, and she took me with her to Holders, where I've lived for almost three years.

To sum it up, half witch, weird kid, traveled through dimensions a bit and settled in the Holders universe. I'm still getting used to it here. I've only been around for a couple years, but so far I love this place.


P.S. I have a website with every character from this story in it, so if you need more info...

And a few from here

It'll most likely be there...

Careful of spoilers though... They're EVERYWHERE.

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