👀other things to know!😊

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1. I don't roleplay on wattpad. This is a place where I just read stories and post stories. I'm also no good with replying on time so it wouldn't be fun for you. On the rare occasions that I do decide to roleplay, I wouldn't pester me if I don't reply. So uh... yeah. Gotta keep things interesting for me in order to continue playing.

2. Logic or anything regarding reality or realistic logic do not apply to me. Look at my oc. Look at my stories. Do I look like the kind of person to like reality? Not a chance. Reality is boring. Logic is limiting. So if ya see something in my story that screws with that sort of stuff, either don't read too much into it or simply ignore it and turn yourself to a book that follows that guideline.

3. Just to clarify; there might be somethings folks may find uncomfortable here. Not to mention I bend a character a bit out of shape to better fit a certain story. I don't do it intentionally, but if something here rubs you the wrong way... Well, I'm genuinely sorry, but you shouldn't stick around. It doesn't make sense to complain about characters being out of character (I've seen that commonly here anyhow), or maybe there's a drawing not looking right (anatomy isn't my strongest suit and my artstyle is weird). If you dislike what you see, just... stop reading? Don't torture yourself. Enjoy yourself by being somewhere more suitable to your tastes.^^

4. There will be times where I come off incredibly abrasive/rude in replies. I promise, I don't mean to do that. But you can't really read tones through texts. I sincerely apologize in advance. 🙇‍♀️

5. I have no set schedule for book updates. I work sporadically on all of my books, new or old. I do what I do for fun and to just expose my ideas. [Note: asking for an update or when the next update will be has the opposite effect; it will decrease my motivation and updates will come slower. Patience is key!]

5. Most importantly I don't discontinue books. Even if I were to fall out of a fandom or some such, I can't just discontinue a book. Especially when it's reaching a good part or is on a cliffhanger. Maybe I'll take down a book, but only if it gets constant negativity or I just want to make big changes to it. Nothing eats me up more than a book getting canceled when it starts getting good. (No disrespect to the authors, though) so, while the updates may be slower than snails, it will come eventually.

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