😓if there's a problem?🙅‍♀️

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Well, after reading this book, you should know there's going to be some weird as hell things here. The TF part, mainly. But I also have a habit of making the character more dominant/ooc than they should. That and I did a few things to the octonauts as well.

But the biggest things here are spoilers. I like making inserts for readers. Not only am I letting you enjoy the experience of adventuring with your desired character, but I also feel like it as well! Well spoilers, and I tend to bend the script to the reader's favor. Not many people enjoy that.

And in regards to Steven Universe... well, It has something to do with Steven's very thoughtless mother. I don't like the fact she's basically been turned into villan of the series. So, I try to root out as many of her positive traits as I can. I will acknowledge her bad choices, but it's not like she wanted any of it to happen. She's more of a misguided child to me. Soooo, I pity her, because I'm that type of fan. 😓🤷‍♀️

Either or, I tend to put warnings smack bang on the book desc or page itself if it is severe enough.

So, it's... really... not... my fault if you read it and not like what you see.

I mean, yes. It's my fault for making it, but you knew the risks of being weirded out and/or disgusted when you brushed off that warning.

But hey, I could agree with you on a part, or if you bring up a part I dislike, I'll take down that part and or rewrite it. Win-win. :D

But other than that, if there's a part of a story that clearly had a warning on it, yet you lay into me for the latter...

Well... I'll try to be nice about it, but reading what I say on text will come off the wrong way, as you can't hear tone or attitude in my words.

While I mean absolutely no harm, people may take offense to my wording. I'll simply recite the same thing;

"Why did you ignore the warning?"

Or simply reference them to this book for a heads up on my weird ways of thinking.

Course, everytime, this quote will be worded differently, or have a few other words added.

While it I don't enjoy pushing people away from my content, I also want to have people to at least enjoy themselves. But if you don't enjoy being pushed around or live a life as a pet, animal, hybrid, being transformed into something else or just in general not a genuine human, why stick around? I want you to be happy here. To enjoy yourselves.

Worse, some characters I write about won't be completely in character. Typically I show the a side to those I feel DO have a another side.

For example; Ciel Phantomhive. He's straight up talking and showing his more soft side to a CAT of all things. He's too much of a prideful little elf to remotely speak soppy to anyone but Elizabeth.

Or shirogane. He stands up to his tormentor, Idate. A chance of that happening is slim to none. Poor boi. ;3;

And not surprisingly, scourge. The cat one. Yeah, everyone feels differently for him. Everyone's writing him in softer versions or rewriting his fate, all that, and I'm no different. I personally feel that he was shown leadership in the wrong light. I feel like if it were through better means via without lies or intimidation tactics, he'd be better.

But, I DO indeed have the class to keep other characters I feel DON'T have a another side in complete... character.

Like black hat. I don't know what he is, but hell if I give him a side that remotely seems loving. Let's admit, if he ever was capable of liking something, he'd STILL treat it poorly, albeit... less.. poorly? But seriously, from what I've read about him, he has an instrument (forgot what kind) made from CAT organs. CAT ORGANS. I can't see myself writing him in a softer character. Sorry reader-creature. At least you'll gain higher treatment from him..? Maybe?

Alois trancy? I feel he'll obsess over something he truly loves. I mean... he enjoys trying to get a reaction from that emotionless Claude. I feel he's the clingy kind. He kinda is. Yes, he is. So much.

But yeah. Sorry if I come off as rude here, but it's vexing to have my head bitten off over something that could have been avoided.

It's kinda like flappy bird. People saw how it was through other people and gaming videos. It was infuriating and required copious amounts of boredom and mild determination in order to actually enjoy it. But people downloaded it nonetheless.

And hated it.

As a result, said gaming people came after the CREATOR of the game and they took it down. Makes no sense, since they didn't take the warning.

Well, at least I think that.

Again, I'm really sorry if you take offense to this, but I may as well tell you this now so we can avoid unnecessary turmoil.

But note; if it's constructive criticism towards the book itself, then I'll take note of it.

But remember. Constructive criticism doesn't need insults.

Be Simon Cowell, not Gordon Ramsey.

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