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Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Beep! beep,beep!"My hand reached out from under my warm pillow,and hit that alarm clock with a loud thud. "Stupid alarm." I mumbled as I pulled myself out of bed,It was Stupid 4:00 am!

I loved my job,yet I hated it. I'm a firefighter I worked long and hard every Day. The hole firefighter thing runs in the family,My Dad's the head firefighter. I have to admit It's been a great aside from the people,like Tuffnut and Ruffnut,two firefighters that start the fires. I can't even count how many times it was the station that was on fire.

I stumbled out of bed when..."Ahhhhh!" I hit my foot on my stupid dresser. It's not my day,"Take that!" I yelled as I kicked the stupid dresser with my other foot, "Gahhhhhh! my foot!" Why,why,me!?

"Hey! Hiccup,shut up! will ya." Great not only does my foot throb,but I woke up my stupid stupid room mate Bill,better known as Snotlout. "Go back to sleep Snotlout! I just need to head to work."

"It's four in the morning Hiccup! I hate your job." He mumbled and rolled over. I hope he go's back to sleep, A grumpy Snotlout is like stepping on a Rattlesnake in July.

"Don't worry I'm leaving." I grabbed my clothes for the day and went to change.

~~~Time skip (At the fire station)~~~

"Okay,Dad I'm here." I called out as I entered the station. "Good your here,Ruff and Tuff are here along with Lance." "Lance,Lance who?" I asked trying to rack m brain to remember a Lance. "I meant Fishlegs Son." I nodded,we never called Fishlegs Lance,It was always just Fishlegs to everyone.

"Biiiiiing! biiiiing! biiiing! biiiiiiing!" The alarm went off! there must be a fire! "Son! grab your gear!" Yelled Dad. I knew this would happen. I'm just a little late. Ruff and Tuff were down the pole and had there gear,and my Dad already had most of his gear on. "Gobber,Call the others,we may need backup!"

"Son! What's taking so long for you to gear up!?" Well maybe I'd rather be in bed,or even better, out Discovering new things! but of course I would never say that out loud. "One sec Dad!" I yelled.

"Hiccup,The people in that fire may not have a sec! We need to go!" He yelled back. I pulled the rest of my gear on and rushed to the truck. "Let's go!" Yelled Fishlegs,and we were off

~~~At the House on fire~~~~~

"Fishlegs! grab the hose,Tuff start up the water,Ruff you will look for people left in the house." I glanced around the grounds,It was a pretty nice. A rather large house. Cops were a round a small water truck that had helped a little with the fire before we had got here.

"Please! Please! My Sister! She's in there! I have to find her!" A young women with red hair yelled as she tried to get out of the grip of a Cop. she looked really upset. "Sorry miss,It's too Dangerous."Replied the cop. "No! She's in there! Please someone get her! oh Elsa!" She sobbed,the tears fell down her cheeks staining them.

"Don't worry, I'll get her for you." I yelled to the girl as I ran into the the House. I was able to hear her yell "Thank you,please bring her back safe." I can't believe they left someone in here to die. I rushed into the house and up the stairs,And began to search the rooms for anyone. I finally made it to a room with the walls painted blue with snowflakes. I glanced around the room,the smoke was getting pretty bad.

Then My eyes landed on a girl with almost white hair,She was stunning. What!? Wake up Hiccup! I rushed to were She was unconscious in the corner of the room.I ran over to her and checked her pulse,She barely had a pulse. I need to get her out fast!I took of my mask and let her breath a few time before I picked her up and made my way out of the house.

I ran out of what was left of the doorway. "Elsa! Els! Is she okay "Asked the young red head." she has a very little pulse." Was my reply, before I knew it the paramedics had her. But the last thing I remember was the voice of my Dad calling me as I fell to the ground into a deep sleep.

Hey I hope you liked this chapter! If you liked vote and I'll give you another.And feel free to comment your thoughts,I would love to hear them.And sorry Jelsa shippers it's Hiccelsa,This book just fit better with Hicelsa.And way thanks for reading,ps the cover is my edit,so please don't steal,thanks :)

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