Meeting Mister Haddock

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When the light started out they don't know what they heard.
Strike the match, play it loud, giving love to the world.
We'll be raising our hands, shining up to the sky
Cause we got the fire, fire, fire. :From Ellie Goulding Burn
Hiccup's Pov:
White, white everywhere. Am I in Heaven? Oh my gosh! I'm dead! Dead!! I panicked. Oh man, this is what I get for taking Snotlouts 50 dollars! "I'm Sorry! It was just sitting there. I'll pay him back!" I yelled. "I promise!" I cried, "I can't believe I'm dead."

"Son your awake!" My Dad said entering. "Are you alright?" He asked noticing I was crying. "Dad, I'm dead!" Oh, I'll never steal again."Wait,Dad, you're dead too?" Wow, we're both dead. "What do you mean dead son!?"

"Well, I'm in heaven, and the only way you could be here is if your dead too." After a few moments it seemed to dawn on him. "We're dead!" We cried in sync. "Oh son! I'm dead, your dead,we're dead!" He came and hugged me.

"What's going on?" My Mom asked as she entered seeing Dad a I crying. "We're dead Mom,Dead!" I can't believe We're all dead. "Son,you're not dead." Mom said,slowly putting her hand on my shoulder. "Your not dead. You were in an accident. Part of the house fell on you." I sat quietly soaking up what she said.

"So, I'm not dead?" I asked. "No Son,you're not dead. The Doctors just wanted to run some tests to make sure you were okay." Hmm I'm not dead....well guess I'm keeping Snotlouts 50 dollars! "Yes son,your just in the Hospital." Dad added looking a little ashamed as Mom glared at him.

"Any way...The Doctors ran some tests and your fine,a few bruises and bumps but fine." Mom smiled tears staring to fill her eyes. "I was so worried." She pulled me into a big hug, "I thought I was going to lose you." She said as I hugged her back.

"It'll take more than some falling wood to get ride of me." I laughed trying to make her fill better. "mom" I said pulling away from the hug. "Don't worry. I'm fine." She gave me a small smile as Dad came up behind her pulling us in to a family hug.

"Eh excuse me, Is this the room of Mister Haddock?" A young women asked and we pulled away looking at her. She smiled rather shyly. I instantly recognized her as the Women I saved earlier. "Uh yeah it is." I said My cheeks heating up a little. Come on Hiccup! Snap out of it!"

"Hi I'm Elsa Arendelle. You um saved me from the fire." She said a little awkwardly. "I just wanted to thank you."I smiled at her my parents staying silent. I was about to reply when."I'd Like to thank you to!" The red-head from earlier skipped in smiling. "Hi! I'm Anna! Anna Arendelle, Elsa's sister. But you already know that!" She laughed skipping towards me but trips. "Anna are you okay?" Elsa rushes over to Anna and Dad chuckles and Mom hides a smile.

"Oh I'm Fine!" She laughs popping up. "Believe it or not,but the name Anna means full of grace! Seriously that name does not fit. Just look at me!" She laughs happily a big grin. My Parents watching from the corner clearly amused,She seems like a super happy person,maybe to happy at times.

"Any way,I just wanted to thank you." Elsa says walking a little closer,putting a hand on Anna's shoulder. " I don't think I can ever truly thank you enough." Anna nodded smiling at me. "I hope you didn't get hurt to bad because of me. I heard part of the house fell on you." She said concerned. By this time Mom and Dad had exited the room.

"No,I'm fine. A few bumps and bruises,but fine." I reassured her. She smiled at me nodding her head. "Well I'm glad you okay." I hadn't realized it but we'd all become silent for a few minutes Elsa and I just grinning at each other. Anna cleared her throat breaking Elsa and I's eye contact.

"Yeah,We're glad your okay! It there any way I could pay you back?" She says ignoring the awkwardness. "You don't need to pay me back It's my job,besides it's my pleasure to be able to help such beautiful Sisters." I said stealing a glance at Elsa.

Anna's Face instantly lit up like a light bulb. "I know how to pay you back!" She jump up and down a little scream coming out,I think she was doing a happy dance. Elsa and I watched her both curious to hear her Idea.

"How about lunch! And since you saved Elsa...She'll take you to lunch! It'll be kinda like a date!"
Yes I'm alive lol. Sorry for not updating. I'm not gonna lie,I wasn't super busy...just lazy really lazy. I want to thank all of you for being supportive and patient,It means a lot. I'll try to update more even if it's short. Once again thank you all so much :)

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