Over Active Heart

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♬Luke P.O.V.♪

(A/N I'm not gonna do the same scene in both point of views anymore )

I was walking home from school after the final bell. I was happy ,because Michael was going to eat pizza with some of his other friends and I didn't need to hear his rude comments. I turned the corner on to an empty street .

"Wait!!!" I hear a voice echo behind me I stopped n slowly turned around. Then I saw him running towards me I felt my heart start to race my head feel dizzy but I held my cool. Before he got to me I pulled my sleeves over my brutally cut wrists. He got to me , and I looked down.

"Hey , umm sorry this is fast but wanna hang out sometime. Just me and you?" I froze at his words, but found my self nodding.

"Is ... That a yes?" He questioned.

"Oh uh yes I'll hang out with you " I said nervously pulling on my sleeve

"I'm ashton btw? What's your name" he Smiles

"I'm... I'm Luke" slowly let myself smile n he took my hand in a quick motion he was holding my fresh cuts and I winced in pain ,but I hid it from ashton. I looked at my hand, he wrote his digits down and I smiled as he walked off waving. I waved back n stood in shock for about 5 mins before started back home. Once I got home I laid on my bed softly ,and let one last smile slip across my face before my family got home.

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