A Month to Remember- Chapter Three

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Hey, this is Iliyana writing! Hope ya like! comment and vote!

A Month to Remember-Chapter Three

Harry's POV

“Harry come on lad, you need to get out of the house. Ya know, have some fun? Forget about what happened? At least for a couple of hours?” begged my best mate, Chase, on the phone. My fingers fumbled with the little ripped up envelope on the kitchen table. You always got a little envelope when they didn’t want you. You didn’t even have to open it up to know. Little envelope, you knew.

“I’ll think about it alright?” I replied and took the cell phone away from my ear. I pressed down on the red button ending the call. I threw the phone down on the kitchen table and stayed sitting complacent at the kitchen table. Maybe Chase was right for once; I needed time to forget about how I didn’t get accepted in to the college of my dreams. The college I was so sure I had in the bag. I heaved a huge sigh and ran a frustrated hand through my brown curls. I yawned loudly and got up from the kitchen table and trudged up to my bedroom.

“Harry! Are you alright?” called my mother from the living room. I have also been very distant from all my family since I didn’t get accepted into any of the colleges I had chosen. I was a failure in their eyes. What kind of kid doesn’t get accepted into 5 different colleges? I have no idea how they could even look at me when I walked around the house. Stupid f*ck up.

“Yes mum,” I gave a quick reply. I sauntered into my room, grabbed some clothes, and hopped in the shower. The hot beads of water just washed away everything in my mind and on my body. Hot showers just made me forget everything for just a moment. Plus, I just loved stripping down and letting loose. Don’t judge me.

After about 10 minutes I was dressed and ready. I was wearing a plaid blue white and maroon button down, loose skinny jeans, and white converse. I shook out my damp big brown locks and swept them to the left. I swiped my blackberry of off my nightstand and shoved it in my back pocket. I gave my mum a quick peck on the cheek and ran out the door and into my car. I glared at myself in the rear view mirror and thought of how much of a screw up I was. I reminded myself to not think about college. I needed to have fun with Chase.


I spotted her from all the way across the room, she was breathtaking. Maybe it was the alcohol in me that was making her seem more gorgeous or appealing. Maybe she was just naturally pretty. But something made me want her. And maybe it was the alcohol talking but I was going to get her.

“I’m gonna go chat her up,” I said nudging Chase in the stomach as he downed yet another shot. (A/N: Chat her up is British slang for flirting)

“Oh yeah!? Look at you! An hour in the pub and you already fancy someone!” Chase laughed and motioned for me to go.  (A/N: pub is like a club in the UK) I gave him a cheeky smile and wandered over to the girl leaning across the wall in the room. Her hair brown hair was curled cascading down her front and stopping at her chest. She had a cute button nose and bright blue eyes that stood out from under all the darkness in the room. She casually sipped her drink even though she knew I was coming to approach her. She had a smug smile already plastered on her gorgeous face.

“Hey, I noticed you um checking me out over there, huh?” I said. Her thin eyebrows cocked up. She set down her beer on the table next to her and walked closer to me. She leaned in her breath softly caressing my ear.

“Now you know and I know just what you came here for, honey,” she whispered. I liked her. I was definitely going to have fun with her.

“Well then, shall we?”

“We shall,” she said taking my arm and pulling me to the dance floor.

*Next Morning*

Harmony's POV

My eyes fluttered open to the heat beating down against my eyes. I looked over at Harry who was sound asleep arms lazily hugging the pillow. I gave a weak smile. He was a fun guy and I’m pretty sure he would be a hell of a nice boyfriend. But I knew we would never see each other again. I couldn’t do that to such a sweet boy like Harry. I slowly and quietly lifted the blanket it off of me and gave the rest to the sleeping Harry.

I gave him a soft peck on the cheek, grabbed my shoes, and left.

Harry's POV

My head was f**king killing me. I drank way to much last night and didn’t remember a SINGLE thing. I ran into the bathroom and checked the mirror, I looked horrible. Hangover did not look good on me. I took out my phone and quickly snapped a picture of myself and sent it to Louis to show him how bad last night was.

But then I flipped through my pictures aimlessly. There were about 200 pictures of me and an insanely hot girl. We looked so happy and we were having fun. Did it happen last night? And I didn’t remember?

Who was this girl?

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