~Seiji Amasawa ~

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This is my first anime imagine so I hope you all enjoy<3

"Oh my gosh Y/n! Do you know how long I stood waiting in the sun for you?!" Yuko yelled at me as she pulled her sunhat closer on her head, attempting to block out the sun.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking past her towards the baseball field. It was just a few weeks before school started again, and I had made a goal with my sister Shizuko to read over 100 books this summer. My sister and I were the biggest book worms in all of Japan I was sure of it-well until Seiji Amasawa appeared.

Every time I would go to the library to find a book his name was the first one on the check out card. I didn't appreciate this one bit. I was always the first one to get my name on the punch card, but the stupid jerk has beaten me to it for the last 50 books.

"Oh calm down Yuko freckles are cute! You should be THANKING me actually", she huffed angrily as she plopped down on the bench besides me.

"Shut up Y/n, I hope that Amasawa kid is in this book too!" I glared pointedly at her and flipped open my new book on Greek mythology.

"Of course he's not this is Greek-" my eyes widened as I stared down at the punch card where 'Seiji Amasawa' was printed neatly. A scream ripped from my throat causing the baseball player to swing, missing the ball completely.

"Y/N ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I threw myself across the bench into her lap.

"He beat me again". She rolled her eyes and pushed me up into a sitting position again, "Does it really even matter, so what if he beat you?" I glanced at her before getting up stomping off.

"It means everything to me! Just who is this kid that he thinks he can be before me?"


"OMG Yuko I left my book on the bench", I exclaimed in annoyance to Yuko as she pushed her bike beside mine as we walked to the local ice cream palor.

"Dang it Y/n, I can go back with you if you want?" I declined her offer and opted to just meet her there. As I walked down the many steps towards the bench Yuko and I sat on, watching her crush attempt to make it into the game, a boy a few years older than me with raven hair sat. He was reading a book with a serious expression on his in other words ridiculously cute face.

From a closer inspection I finally noticed that it  was MY book he was reading! The book I've been working on for the last couple of months at that.

"You have my book!" I stomped over to him. All he did was give me a smirk and rose up.

"This is YOUR book, should of known from how badly written it was," he dropped the book into my hands and began to walk away.

"You stupid-"
"See you later Y/n Y/l/n". Before I could finish my retort he spoke my name stopping me immediately.

"How did you know my name?"
He turned back around still walking backwards, "take a wild guess Y/n Y/l/n".
I looked down at my book and saw my name was written in my poor attempt at writing girlish on the inside.

He started to laugh at my dumbstruck expression till he was finally out of sight.

"That stupid jerk!"

Ok so this is my first time actually writing imagines for anime and writing in a while!!! Also request ARE OPEN!


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