Hospital visit Pt 4

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I follow Colbys doctor into a private room and take a seat on the couch. I'm afraid to hear what the doctor has to say.

D- Sam. I'm sorry to tell you but Colbys tumor has become cancerous and it has spread very quickly to other parts of his body. We can try to remove it all but I will tell you that with this surgery thats needed only 39% of patients survive and actually live through the surgery.
S- why don't people make it through the surgery?
D- because it is such a long surgery we have to use very high amounts of drugs and anesthesia in order for it to last the whole time. With this much in the human system the drugs start to eat away and kill off brain cells eventually leading to death.
S- Colby is a strong boy though. He will survive this. I know he can. He has to.
D- I can have a nurse come explain the procedure in more detail but I need your permission to do the surgery.
S- but you said he could die from it.
D- if we don't do the surgery now he will 100% die but if we do the surgery there is a 39% chance he will live. Do we have your permission to continue with the surgery?

I'm in absolute shock at what I'm hearing. I try to speak but my voice gets caught in my throat. All I can manage is a nod of the head. With that Colbys doctor runs out of the room and to the operation room. I break down crying. WHY!! WHY OUT OF ALL PEOPLE DOES IT HAVE TO BE COLBY. I yell. I pick up the first thing in sight which is a mug and throw it across the room. It breaks. I collapse on the ground. A nurse walking by sees me and runs in.

N- are you Sam?

I nod my head still crying hysterically

N- Colbys doctor told me to come in and explain the surgery to you. Can you sit up for me?

I shake my head no

S- I c-can't breathe. I want Colby.
N- I know it's hard Sam. Believe me. I have some water. I need you to sit up and take a few sips for me.

I sit up and do as the nurse said. I set the water down and bury my head in my knees. The nurse asks if I want to know about the surgery. I nod my head yes.

N- the surgery we are doing is called surgery 45C. It is the 45th type of surgery for cancer patients.
S- is Colby going to die?
N- I can't guarantee that he will survive but just know that we are doing our best.

I take a few more sips of water as the nurse continues.

N- we will cut open Colbys abdomen and remove the main tumor. Then we will work around all the muscle and tissue to remove as much of the cancer as we can. It's risky though because it has spread to some of his organs. If we puncture his organ while trying to remove the cancer then the inside of his organs will become infected. If that happens there's nothing we can do to fix that.
S- I want Colby to be okay. I can't live without my other half. If only I noticed the symptoms earlier then maybe this would've been caught in time. It's all my fault.
N- no no no. Sam look at me. It is NOT your fault. This type of cancer is very hard to catch as there are no symptoms that you can visually see.

Just as the nurse finished her sentence I hear yelling from the hallway. 4 doctors run by. A nurse stops them and asks what's happening.

D1- we have a young male patient who's heart flatlined during surgery
N- what surgery
D2- 45C. Now move. We've already lost him and only have 10 minutes to try to revive his heart beat.

S- no no NO. It's Colby. It has to be.

I immediately start to panic. When I see Colbys doctor in the doorway.

D- Sam? I have an update on Colby.


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