Chapter 3

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Her hair looked so incredibly soft. It smelt like fresh strawberries on a summer day. It moved around her like ocean waves, a feeling of calm waving over me. I reached out to touch it, the silkiness of it putting me in a state of shock. She smiled at me with her perfect bright smile. She took my hand and led me forwards. We were on a flat beach, the sand almost white and the waves small and calm. The breeze picked up when I noticed a familiar car parked by the rocks. I wanted to see why I recognised it, but she pulled me back. I did not protest as I turned to face her. I placed a hand on her soft cheek, her gorgeous hair resting on my hand. In the distance, the lighthouse beeped. I bopped her cute nose and admired the dimples in her cheek. The lighthouse got louder and louder. Eventually I couldn't ignore it anymore and shouted out, waking from my slumber.

"Stupid alarm, stupid head" I mumbled, groaning as I sat up and groggily turned it off.

I looked down, feeling something in my boxers. Crap, I thought, urging myself to think of something else. I changed my clothes through my discomfort, ignoring it until eventually it went down. Stupid hormones.

I put on my leather jacket and boots and left my room, stopping to look at myself in the mirror fixed to the wall at the end of the landing. I fixed my messy brown hair and winked at my reflection doing finger guns, feeling particularly confident in myself. I belted down the stairs, jumping down the last few steps. I joined Miah at the breakfast bar, snatching the cereal off her. "Hey!" she shouted, pouting like a little girl. I laughed and poured my cereal. Once I was finished, she reached for the box and I moved it out of reach, tutting. I brought it back to her and snatched it away again, snorting with laughter as she failed to grab it in time. "Come on Tyler, give it back!" She scrambled over me, using me as a climbing frame. I stood up in an attempt to get her to fall off, but instead she gripped me tight and began working her way up my body. She looked so funny, scrunching her face up and trying to reach.

"Why did you have to grow tall!" she shouted, finally giving up and sitting back down sulking. I laughed and brought the box down when all of a sudden, she twisted in her seat and rugby tackled me to the floor. My back hit the ground with a THUD, and she sat on top of me, seeming victorious.

We both laughed, then realised the cereal had scattered everywhere and laughed even harder. All of that for nothing.

I picked myself up off the floor to find Miah had eaten my bowl of cereal. "You're the reason it's all over the floor" she shrugged.

"You got my hair all messed up" I joked, doing a fake hair flip. She laughed as I got myself a granola bar from the cupboard. Soon after we headed out to college.

Once there, I headed straight to my locker. I saw Clary a few lockers down from me and smiled at her. She smiled back and opened her locker.

Suddenly I heard a scream and saw Clary covered in a slimy green goo. People started to laugh, and she ran down the hall. I quickly slammed my locker shut and picked up my bag chasing after her. "Clary!" I shouted, but she didn't respond. She took a left through a door. I finally caught up to the door and was about to rush in, but then noticed the sign on the door. Crap. It's the girls' bathroom.

I almost went in after her, but realised how bad that would look, especially while the corridors were still busy. Instead I waited outside for her to come out. I wondered if it was a prank, and who might want to prank her.

The bell went off and the corridors cleared, but I still waited outside, not wanting to invade her privacy.

The sound of high heels from down the corridor snapped me out of my trance. I lightly panicked, knowing I was out of lesson and standing right outside the girl's bathroom. I went to run away when I saw the principal come around the corner. Knowing I had nowhere to go, I stayed as I was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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