Chapter 2

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4 years later

I ran down the stairs, the sweet smell of pancakes filling my nostrils. Mother was by the stove, whistling as she flipped a pancake. I took a seat at the breakfast bar next to Miah who was reading.

I picked up a carton of juice from the countertop and poured some for the both of us.

"Ready for college?" She asked, a mischievous grin on her face. Miah was, for lack of better word, crazy. She has a high energy personality and is always up to no good. She has a mixture of vibrant and dark green eyes that complement her dark skin. He hair is almost black, large and curly and untameable; trust me, she gets me to brush her hair all the time because she can't tackle it herself... we must have spent hundreds of pounds on hair brushes by this point, considering how much they break.

Miah joined our family shortly after we moved here. She had nowhere to go so we took her in. In fact, it benefitted all of us, the extra face in the house comforting and reminding us of the family we used to be.

Finally, mum placed down a stack of pancakes and sat at the bar with us. We all reached in at the same time, ravenous. Luckily, my pancake came out in once piece. Miah and I were happily chewing when I saw the time from the oven. "Oh no Miah we are going to be late!" She chuckled and casually walked behind me as I picked up one last pancake and rushed through the front door. "Bye mum!" I shouted, my mouth full of pancake.

Once we were outside and walking, Miah laughed. "Shut up loser" I grumbled. She continued to giggle and after a few minutes, calmed down.

"Ty, you need to take a chill pill. It's just college!" she said, taking her sweet time catching up with me.

"Its not 'just college'," I put in air quotes. "It's my entire career. And you should really start getting used to calling me Daniel."

She brushed it off, giggling once again. She is so frustrating sometimes.

Finally we had arrived at our college and immediately she left me to catch up with her friends. Not that I mind, she's a piece of work sometimes, I sighed. I looked up to the tall building, taking it all in. I had been here before to tour the place when I first put in the request to transfer. They showed me where everything was and where my locker would be, but I didn't know the people. Miah attended here since day one, but I spent my first year elsewhere. It was more convenient for me to transfer here. I opened the glass double doors and headed to my locker.

I was lost in thoughts about college and my future, wondering where my A levels would take me. I'd only chosen the ones I did because I enjoyed them and was good at them, maybe hoping a career would just get thrown at me. But I knew that wasn't what was going to happen. Suddenly, I felt something hit my chest, bringing me back to my senses. A girl had bumped into me and tumbled over; books scattered all around her.

"I'm so sorry!" I shouted, offering her a hand. She accepted and I reached down to pick up her books. When I got up, I noticed she was staring at me, and I couldn't help but to stare back. She was beautiful; long golden waves framed her freckled face and reached her small waist. She had deep brown eyes, a hint of green as the sunlight reflected in her eyes. Her nose was no small and cute I couldn't resist...

She frowned and I immediately regretted bopping her nose. She didn't say a word until a blonde-haired boy, with a similar looking nose and the same shade hair grabbed her by the shoulders shouting "Boo!" She jumped and squealed, turning to face him. I laughed.

"Jake! Don't do that!" they both laughed.

"So who's this Clary?" the boy named Jake gestured towards me. She opened her mouth, but I spoke instead.

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