Chapter 13

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Tani was enjoying her day off. She had spent most of the morning out surfing and swimming. One of the perks of living in Hawaii is that she was always close to a beach and she took full advantage of that.

She was eating lunch she had brought with her when her phone started ringing. She pulled it out and saw that it was Steve.

"Hey, Tani."

"Steve, what's up?" She answered.

"I know it's your day off but we have a possible lead on Siham. I'm not willing to wait until SWAT can mobilize and Danny and I are headed to the location now."

"Where is it?"

"Lagoon Drive. The Pacific Marina Inn."

"I can be there in 10." Tani stood up and started throwing her stuff in her bag.

"I thought you might be at the beach. Meet us there. Junior is headed that way, too."

Tani hung up and jogged towards her car. She tossed her stuff in the back. She then turned on her sirens and sped out of the parking lot.

She had promised to be there in ten minutes but got there in closer to five. She kept her sirens flashing until she had reached the hotel and turned the car off.

Junior was already there and clipping on his vest. She popped her trunk and did the same. She then set up her assault rifle. She was just finishing as Junior walked over.

"Any idea what we're walking in to here?" she asked as se double checked her straps.

"No. Steve called me a few minutes ago and I was in the area. He and Danny should be getting here soon."

"Looks like it," she said, pointing to where the black Camaro was speeding towards them.

Steve pulled up beside them and they jumped into action. Steve and Danny strapped on their gear while Steve filled them in.

"We checked out a dock heavy in drug trafficking that we suspected Siham had used to get to Hawaii. The dock master gave us an alias, Thomas Howe, that we ran through the database. Tracked it here. Third floor, room 310."

They finished putting their gear on and Steve led the way up the steps. They reached the door and Steve kicked it in.

Tani followed Steve with Danny behind her and Junior in the back. The room was small and clearly empty. Nevertheless, they checked every possible area someone could be hiding before lowering their guns.

"Boss, check this out."

Steve walked over to Tani to look at what was on the small table. There were several photos of Iolani Palace, most of them on the entrances and exits. There was a stack of papers in the corner. Steve flipped through them.

"What language is that?" Tani asked. The symbols on the page were foreign, although she could see Steve had no trouble understanding them.

"Pashto. It's spoken in Afghanistan."

Tani went back to looking at the table. She opened the drawer and saw several different guns. She pulled out the assortment of pistols and checked the mags. Each one was full of bullets and ready for use.

She put the guns back in the drawer closed it. She then checked the next drawer, but it was empty.

"Alright," Steve said, finishing looking through the papers. He set them back on the desk. "I don't want him to know we've been here. Round the clock surveillance on this room. When he returns, we arrest him."

Everyone snapped into action, replacing anything they had knocked over or looked through so that the room was identical to when they arrived. They then cleared the room and regrouped outside.

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