Chapter 56 - Twin Soulstones

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Translated by Luxican

"Why save me? You obviously hate me," Huang Ling wiped her eyes after crying for a long time.

What Yun Sheng would have liked to answer was: Because you have money.

Earlier she wanted to ask Huang Ling for the reward of the mercenaries, but after seeing this red-eyed rabbit, she just smiled.

Huang Ling, also smiled embarrassedly.

The Fire Lion Bull was dead.

The two had cooperated in killing a Wanted Demon Beast.

After this life and death experience, the two had established a revolutionary friendship.

"That Fire Lion Bull is a mutant demon beast. Let's see what the Soulstone is like. After all, we came for this, right?" after Yun Sheng rested for a while, her strength had recovered. Only then did they remember their purpose of entering Yue Wu Mountains.

Who would have guessed that, after they went to check on the Fire Lion bull, it had already been flipped by Xiao Hei, and he occasionally took a bite from its flesh.

He had a round stomach, his belly almost reached the ground when he stood.

"This is your puppy? Amazing, it even dares to eat the Fire Lion Bull!" Huang Ling also looked at the puppy Yun Sheng took everywhere with her.

Because of Xiao Hei's appearance, which was a thousand and eighty miles away from a mighty demon beast, Huang Ling hadn't previously associated it with a demon beast.

But now recalling the scene where the sky suddenly went dark, the puppy had howled when it happened.

Needless to say, Huang Ling finally connected the dots, and concluded that Xiao Hei wasn't just a demon beast, but also a very rare demon beast breed.

"Are you a summoner?" Yun Sheng was a summoner, this was even more shocking than her medical skill. Huang Ling stuttered. She had always thought that, her being a dual-elemental magician was amazing.

But compared to the girl younger than herself she was just a joke.

Yun Sheng's face changed slightly. She had wanted to keep her being a summoner secret. She hadn't told anyone, but even then, Huang Ling figured it out.

She frowned slightly.

"Rest assured! I won't tell anyone that you have such a powerful demon beast," Huang Ling had long known that summoners were a special existence among magicians. Yun Sheng had such a powerful demon beast, but she was still young and weak, if someone found out, they would surely snatch her demon beast.

As if to prove that she wouldn't tell Yun Sheng's secret, Huang Ling tilted her head, thinking, before she patted her chest, and saying in a deep and serious adult 's voice: "I'll also tell you a secret, actually, I'm not called Huang Ling, but Dong Huang Ling, and the current emperor is my brother."

She thought, after reporting her true identity, Yun Sheng would, just like anyone else, kneel on the ground, but Yun Sheng didn't respond at all.

She just said "oh", what emperor, it wasn't as important as the Fire Lion Bull's Soulstone in front of her.

Since Dong Huang Ling promised not to expose her secret summoner identity, she did not intend to pursue it.

While the two people were talking, Xiao Hei jumped off Yun Sheng's arms, using his chubby legs to rummage in the Fire Lion Bull's body, until a stone like thing fell out.

"Soulstone!" Yun Sheng grabbed Xiao Hei's neck and dragged him away from the stone.

Xiao Hei made a whimper in dissatisfaction.

His pair of black eyes was full of greed, he obviously knew that the Soulstone of a demon beast was its essence.

Yun Sheng looked at its funny expression for a while, and laughingly scolded: " When did you become so greedy, rest assured the meat of the demon beast is all yours."

Yun Sheng gave it a short warning look, Xiao Hei put its tail between its legs and began gnawing on a bone on the side.

Yun Sheng checked the Soulstone, and found that it was of thunder-attribute.

Regrettably it wasn't suitable for her.

Yun Sheng didn't care and threw the Soulstone to Dong Huang Ling.

"Go meditate, let the magic scepter absorb the Soulstone," Yun Sheng bluntly said.

"You're giving me the Soulstone? This is a fifth-rank Soulstone, you know. If you give it to me what will you have?" Dong Huang Ling was surprised.

"It's not suitable for me. Hurry, or the magic power inside the stone will be dispersed." Once the Soulstone was separated from the body, if there was no special preservation tool, the magic power stored in the Soulstone will soon disappear.

It was the first time Yun Sheng hunted demon beast independently, she was not fully prepared, so, the Soulstone could only be given to Dong Huang Ling.

Yun Sheng continued to examine the belly of the Fire Lion Bull. Not only the flesh and blood of demon beasts were useful, the inner organs were also good things.

Compared to the Soulstones in magic application shops, the Soulstones that had just been separated from the demon beast had the strongest magic power. After being absorbed by the magic scepter, the magic synchronization was also the highest. Dong Huang Ling knew this, and stopped being polite. She put the Soulstone in front of her, placed her magic scepter on her lap, sat cross-legged, and chanted softly.

While Yun Sheng fumbled in the Fire Lion Bull's body for a while, she had started to hum.

She found another thing in the belly of the bull.

And it was actually a Soulstone.

It was really strange. She had only heard of one Soulstone being inside a demon beast's body, she had never thought of there actually being two Soulstones in the Fire Lion Bull's body.

No wonder the mercenaries called it a mutant demon beast, turns out the mutation was not in the Soulstone itself but in the amount of Soulstones it possessed.

In Yun Sheng's opinion, it was easy to understand. After all, Yun Sheng was a doctor, she had treated many patients, there had also been a person with two hearts.

After carefully checking the attribute of the Soulstone, Yun Sheng was pleasantly surprised to find it to be of fire attribute.

And this Soulstone was also a bit bigger than Dong Huang Ling's. The Soulstone was full of the restless fire magic power, and its brilliance was the same as the flames within. Just holding it in her hand, Yun Sheng felt that the Soulstone was alive and trembling like a real heart.

"Hmm? There seems to be something special about this Soulstone. Let's also begin to integrate the Soulstone," Yun Sheng ordered Xiao Hei look out for possible threats.

But, ever since the Fire Lion Bull had settled in this area, the other demon beasts of Yue Wu Mountains didn't dare to approach, which also provided Yun Sheng and Dong Huang Ling with an excellent environment for their Soulstone-Integration.

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