Chapter 220 - Three Moves to Determine Winner and Loser

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Translated by Luxican

"Hiss---" Bu Jiuxiao and Cheng Bai took a breath at the same time.

Was this girl mad or stupid? She really wanted to compare with Yun Bahe. That was Yun Bahe! The most famous Martial King of Great Zhou Empire!

Although Yun Bahe had faded more and more into the background over the years, he was still a legend.

The realm of Martial King, to know what kind of power it harbors, it's best described like this, if Yun Bahe wanted the Royal Magic Academy gone, he would only have to raze it to the ground with one battle technique.

Ye Beiming frowned, looking at Yun Sheng.

There was no fear on her face.

"You!" Yun Bahe choked on his words.

This was the same tone his eldest son, Yun Canghai, had used the year he broke off with his family.

After these words, there was no backing out.

"Good, this is the first move, watch carefully," Yun Bahe had not used martial arts for a long time.

He couldn't imagine that his first exchange after a long time would actually be with a little girl.

Shortly after cracking his knuckles, Yun Bahe let out a stern cry, and a fierce douqi burst out from his fists.

The color of that douqi was gorgeous, just like a fireball released by Yun Sheng.

However, the speed of the douqi ball was several times faster than a fireball, so Yun Sheng had no time to dodge.

Her body slammed backward, with a loud bang, she hit the wall.

At the place of her impact, an area of more than two to three meters was dented inward.

Yun Sheng then flopped to the ground, some blood trickled from the corner of her mouth.


From his elegant seat, Ye Beiming felt like his heart had been struck hard, it was a kind of suffocating pain that instantly spread throughout the body as if it was him on the ground there.

What was this sensation?

Ye Beiming couldn't help but question his feelings.


At Martial King Realm, one seldom used battle techniques, because the most basic moves could already put most people to death.

His aim was simple, to quickly bring about Yun Sheng's defeat.

With such an impact, if it was a normal magician, this was enough to shatter her bones and sever her tendons, leaving her to lay in bed for six months.

The pain was truly excruciating, and the old man's speed and strength were indeed amazing, but still, Yun Sheng slowly stood up.

One blow and she didn't even have the opportunity to start chanting.

"Little Girl, why not let this old man just abolish your Magic Soul?" Yun Bahe sighed.

From the Shen Nong Bracelet, energy quickly flowed out, desperately repairing Yun Sheng's crushed and broken bones.

In her entire body, only the three mysterious meridians were still alright.

Yun Sheng swayed before she finally stood straight.

She licked the blood on her lips, and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, "Second move!"

"Good! Second move," Yun Bahe couldn't help but shake his head.

He had stood on the battlefield for many years, but unexpectedly he was moved by a junior with an incomparably worse cultivation base.

Yun Sheng was able to stand up after taking his attack, which in itself was a big surprise for Yun Bahe.

Surrounded by douqi, Yun Bahe's body seemed to swell, and he suddenly stomped his feet.

With this stomping force, like a magnitude nine earthquake, the ground in the entire restaurant broke open.

This restaurant with a 100-year history suffered a lot today. The owner's eyes rolled back and he passed out directly.

When Yun Bahe stomped his foot, although it was powerful, it did not cause the ground to break open.

From the ground, countless big stones arose. Each piece three meters long and two meters wide. And Each piece weighing about 200 catties (=120kg), they surrounded Yun Sheng like a stone prison.

Everyone collectively broke into a cold sweat for Yun Sheng. With her frail body, how could she resist the several 200 catties of boulders?

Even if Yun Sheng used earth magic, it would be difficult to break through these boulders.

Old ginger was still the spiciest, Yun Bahe had experienced countless battles in his life, he was able to reach Martial King by relying on more than just simply burying his head in hard practice.

He was very good at analyzing his opponent, he was able to assert the cultivation realms of the enemy army consisting of several thousand in the shortest time possible, to discern the opponent's weakness.

Yun Sheng was a Great Magician of both fire and earth, meaning that she could employ both fire and earth magic at least at a basic level.

But even if she used Earth Spike at this moment, it would not be enough to break these boulders.

Yun Bahe felt a bit smug as he laughed out loud, "Little Girl, you'd better beg for mercy, or you'll be trapped under the boulders alive."

Just when Yun Bahe was pleased, a layer of dark shadows, invisible to the naked eyes, quickly climbed up the boulders.

Ye Beiming stood abruptly, his body leaned forward as he looked at the boulders in disbelief.

He felt his Magic Soul stirring, this feeling!

It was familiar as if finding something long lost.

The boulder was trembling and with a sudden loud boom, the boulders burst into small pieces.

The moment the boulders shattered, several Fire Blasts smashed into Yun Bahe like meteors.

On Yun Bahe's face, astonishment and surprise appeared, looking comical.

How could this be? The other side was at most able to cast Earth Spike, there was no way for her to shatter these huge boulders. What was this complete change of rhythm, ah?!

Yun Bahe did not know that to break these boulders of course no ordinary Earth Spikes were used.

That was the intermediate spell Devil's Thorn that Yun Sheng had combined with Earth Spike. With only one thrust even the hardest ore would be pierced instantly.

While she shattered the boulders, she also sent many Fire Blasts.

But Yun Sheng still underestimated the Martial King Yun Bahe, although the speed of the Fire Blasts was more than ten times faster to ordinary Fireballs and the power was also much better, they were still unable to hurt Yun Bahe at all.

A layer of red-gold douqi floated around Yun Bahe's body, his cheeks contracted, forcefully inhaling a deep breath.

Just then Yun Bahe exhaled and compressed douqi was spat out.

The douqi was fast and very fierce, in mid-air, it actually transformed into a sharp-eyes douqi tiger.

It was said that magic is dazzling and battle skills were simple, but if practiced to the extreme, douqi could also be transformed into a fierce beast, like Magic Mimicry.

The tiger stood on his four mighty legs and curved its large back like a mountain.

Suddenly the douqi tiger raised its thick neck and let out an angry roar, when facing the raging fire it only opened its mouth.

Boom, the douqi tiger swallowed the flames, its eyes murderous. After it swallowed the flames, its attack became even more fierce as it aimed at Yun Sheng, its claws slashing like swords and axes!

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