A quick and exciting adventure

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After getting the sleep you needed and finally becoming mostly sane again, Knockout decided to let you join him for a midnight ride in the middle of nowhere after all Faggotron- I mean, Megatron had him do.

You sat there in the front seat, enjoying the scenery flashing by as Knockout drove an empty road. After a while though... you were bored.

"You better not be drooling inside me, human." Knockout suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

You, of course immediately sat up from leaning against the car door, wiping your spit on your sleeve.

"Can you... rephrase that? It sounded really gay." You said in a tone that would make him understand.

"Oh shut up. Just keep your bodily fluids inside you, it's disgusting."
"I... I can understand that..." to be honest, you hated being human. Having to breathe, eat, drink, poop and piss??? And that's not even all that comes in and out of your organic body!!!

You hated your gross body... so much...

"Great... now I feel gross all over." You said, hugging yourself while shivering.

"That's because you are." Knockout said in an amused tone.

"Come on, Knockout, stop reminding me of this curse!" You whined.

Knockout chuckled before suddenly swerving off the road. You whacked your head on the dashboard, becoming dazed from the blunt force and shock.

Knockout suddenly transformed, holding you close to his chest before hearing something else transform.

"You've got some nerve coming here, 'con."

You couldn't see who it was since Knockout blocked the view from you.

"Ahhhh, Bulkhead, it's not very nice meeting you here... what can I do ya for?" Knockout said, bringing out his buzz saw.

"Yo, what's going on, doc? I can't see with your fat ass in the way!" You said, trying to peak out of Knockout's servo.

You heard a gasp and felt Knockout's servo tense around you.

"Bulkhead to base, Knockout has a human hostage!" The voice spoke.

Knockout cursed under his breath before turning quickly and transforming around you. You found yourself in the back passenger seat as Knockout began comming Soundwave.

"Soundwave, I need a ground-bridge, now!" Knockout half yelled, tightening the seat belt around you.

As soon as he said that, the ground-bridge appeared and you were homefree!

...That was what you thought at least before a giant red and blue truck drove out of the magical hole and transformed.

"Who is that?" You said, unaware of the dangerous situation you were in.

"SCRAP!!!!" Knockout swerved to get out of the way before the mech stomped on his hood.

"Not the-" before Knockout could finish his sentence, the red and blue mech tore the door on the right open and reached in.

"Ew! What the fuck!" You squeaked, slapping the servo uselessly.

Gentle yet firm fingers wrap around your body before tearing you out of Knockout and dropping him, who was yelling in pain.

The mech walked back to the portal, followed by a giant green mech.

"What the hell is going on!?" You yelped, holding onto the mech's servo as you entered the portal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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