The new pet

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Reader-chan is gender neutral. Enjoy~~~~~

Your name is (y/n) (l/n). And you are a pet.

Yup. You heard that right.

Almost a year ago, you were kidnapped. By whom? Well, the decepticons of course!

Why would they though? You had nothing to do with the autobots let alone even know who they were. You weren't some kind of special human with inhumane abilities. You did have a strange personality though, but that wouldn't really be enough to catch anyone's eye, or optic in this matter.

So why?

Well, you just so happened to be found before any other human.

They, or specifically knockout, needed a test subject, and you were the (un)lucky person to be chosen.

So, they took the chance.

You were trapped inside the red car while thinking 'what went wrong?'

When you went through the swirling greenish blue portal, you felt a rush of car sickness.

'Oh f*** me...' you thought while clutching your mouth to prevent any eject vomit.


Once knockout entered the nemesis' throne room, he was about to transform with a smirk but was interrupted by his car wing (door) opening up quickly and shutting.

The vehicons brought out their guns and pointed them towards the human until it collapsed on its hands and knees with its head down.

"O-oh god! Stop this stomach- blAAAAAH! ...p-please g- ACK!" You released yourself onto the floor with a bunch of splattering sounds.

Starscream entered the throne room with a smug look, not realizing you were vomiting.

"Well, well, well... looks like we got a test sub-"

He paused with shock and utter horror by what he just witnessed.

You breathed a couple times, spitting out some vomit that still resided in your mouth.

Starscream still stood paralyzed while knockout just gave you a look that said 'really?????'

"What in the name of unicron is going on here." A deep malicious voice demanded.

Starscream broke out of his frozen stance and shivered.

"L-lord megatron! W-we found-"
"You mean I found the fleshy?" Knockout said, instantly forgetting what just happened.
"...Like I said... we found a human test subject. We can study its behavior and possibly gain more information about the earth." Starscream said, regaining his composure.

Megatron cocked an eyebrow and looked towards you.

"What is your name, fleshy?"

You jumped a bit before looking around and then pointing to yourself.

"Yes, you, what is your name, fleshy?" He grew a bit impatient.

"(Y/n) (l/n).... what's yours, ROBOT?" You mocked.

Almost everything went silent. Starscream looked down at you in horror while knockout took a step away from you, hoping to not be caught in the lord's rage.

Megatron looked down at you before smirking and chuckling.

"Tough one, aren't you?"

Soundwave took note of this from the background before looking your info up.

Decepticons x pet!human! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now