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Angelina was at the dining table doing homework. She's been paranoid lately and anxiety has consumed her. She always hated her birthday and rather rot in her room for the day. India came from behind her and startled her.

"Shit, sorry" India apologized, rubbing her back

"No it's okay" Angelina replied

"Monica and I was going to the store, we gotta pick up some stuff for the party tomorrow. Are you okay here alone?" India asked, Angelina nodded

The door of the house closed and all the suppressed voices jumped her. Around this time a few years ago she lost her older sister in a car accident. She was blamed for the accident although she was no where near the accident. Her father manipulated her to believe so.

She hated herself for it and it had to happened the day of her birthday. So celebrating her birthday made her feel like shit cause she can't celebrate it with her sister. When she was younger she hated her older sister for leaving her behind. Angelina dealt with a lot of abuse from her father.

The anxiety ate away from her body and she locked herself in her room. Angelina began to throw stuff around. When she feels trapped in anxiety, she locks herself away because she goes in the violent rage.

Now with everything happening at once, she feels suffocated. She began punching the walls and the pillows. Screaming letting go the anger. Kicking things down and soon her room became a hot mess.

Sometime had passed and she was in a fit of rage. India and Monica arrived home, they heard the commotions and became worried. India ran to the door but couldn't open it.

"Call Oscar!" India demanded, looking in the drawers for the key to Angelina room

Monica called Oscar but it went to voicemail "he didn't answer" Monica yelled, looking for the key

Angelina grabbed a candle and threw it on the floor. Glass began to shatter everywhere. Anything glass, she was destroying. India went to the door and began to slam her body against it.

Angelina spotted a shoebox, she took it down and torn it opened. Photos, letters, and cassette tapes flew everywhere. It caught her by surprise.

Monica found the key and they opened the door. What they found look like a home invasion. India walked over to Angelina, she was on the floor looking at the letters.

India sat beside her and picked up a letter. They were unopened, signed by Oscar. There were pictures of Oscar and some pictures of Isa. What she torn open was a memory box of Isa and Oscar. The two people she cared about the most.

"Are you okay?" India asked, with that Angelina began to cry. She finally felt safe to calm down and she curled herself in a ball. India wrapped her arms around Angelina.

They never seen her get this bad. She's had fits a rage where she gets angry but not to the extent of her breaking almost everything in her room. Usually she'll throw a shoe at the wall and punch pillows but this was a massacre.


Sometime went by and Angelina was napping on the couch. India had finished picking up Angelina's room. It didn't look like how it was before considering mostly everything was broken but it was livable. Everything was replaceable and that's all India cared about.

"Do you think is a good idea?" Monica asked, washing the dishes

"Maybe she needs to drink her anger away. She does it every year. Drink away her anger on her birthday" India replied, putting the mop in the cupboard

"Well at least Oscar would be there for her" Monica added turning off the water

"Yeah, so maybe the drinking would go down this year. I just want her to be happy and one of those happiness came home. The other she can never get back" India explained leaning against the counter

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