Chapter Nine

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The next day, Ben didn’t leave her side. He wouldn’t let anything happen to his dear crush, Laurel. Lottie and Maddie sat on the side, snickering at the young pair. Laurel didn’t understand what was so funny. Eventually, she shouted, “Maddie fancies Alex!” and Maddie and Lottie stopped speaking.

“Does she really?” asked Ben. “Does Lottie like Easton, because he’s absolutely in love with her. Doesn’t stop talkin’ ‘bout ‘er.”

They were at the dining table eating their oatmeal, bacon, and eggs. Ben’s mouth was full. He washed down his food with some pumpkin juice and turned to Laurel.

“Did you know about the Christmas dance?” asked Ben. “First through fourth years can go from seven to ten, and fourth through seventh years from nine to twelve. Would you like to go with me, Laurel?”

Laurel’s face turned a beet red. “Well—it sounds lovely—yes.” Ben smiled. Maddie, Lottie, Grace, and Emma clapped their hands until a ferocious Laurel stared daggers at her.

Alex, Easton, Oliver, and Joseph started to whimper as the four other girls stared hungrily at them. Maddie’s arms were crossed across her chest while she stared at Alex. Grace was winking at Oliver. Lottie looked shyly at her plate. Easton admired from a far, as did Joseph to Emma, whose head was buried in a textbook.

“Emma, would you like to attend the dance with me?” asked Joseph.

Emma’s head flew up. “Did you guys know—oh, Joseph, were you talking to me?” Her face turned a violent shade of red. “Well, I was just going to stay in the dormitory and read while you all had a lovely time, but since you asked, sure!” She leaned over to Lottie. “I didn’t think I was going to be asked!”

“Oliver and I are going together,” Grace giggled. Oliver shrugged, not knowing what he had gotten into with Grace.

“Uh… Lottie, would you like to go to the dance with me?” asked Easton. Lottie smiled and nodded. Maddie’s brownish gold eyes looked at Alex’s rosy face.

“Alex?” asked Maddie. Alex looked at Maddie with large eyes. “Would you like to go to the dance?” Alex nodded.

“That’s settled,” Laurel decided. “When’s the ball?”

“Three days!” Ben exclaimed.

“I’ll send an owl to Strawsmeade to get us things,” Laurel laughed. “We’ll meet in the common room at six forty-five sharp.”

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