The Day Part 2

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Note: So this is part two and I'm doing part
three hope you enjoy

3rd P.O.V
Once the girls arrived at the park, they realized that Jin and the boys weren't there, "Byulie where the hell are they?", Solar said looking annoyed. "I have no idea but I'm sure they'll be here any.." "LOOK they are there", Wheein said while pointing at the boys.

They all saw them and Moonbyul noticed Hyejin and Wheein starting to get nervous and shy, while Solar was scrolling through her phone trying to look busy.

Wheeins P.O.V
I noticed someone in the group who seemed so
familiar but I couldn't remember who. Until we both looked at each other and we both screamed, "YOUR HERE?".

I was starting to get mad remembering all the annoying shit he's done when I saw him at the art store. How much it made my blood boil, how he kept following everywhere, how he made fun of me for buying art supplies.

Taehyungs P.O.V
That annoying girl is here? and I didn't even know? How could she be friends with Jin? Does he not notice how rude she is? "Wait you two know each other?", Jin hyung said all confused. "HES THE GUY I TOLD YOU ABOUT" that annoying girl said and pointed at me while looking at her friends.

"Wait that's him?", the girl with long black hair said, I rolled my eyes and then looked to my side so I can rant to Jimin and Jungkook about what happened, when I noticed Jimin staring at the girl with long black hair with a weird smile on his face.

I noticed she looks similar to that model called Hwasa, I was talking to Jungkook when all of a sudden I hear Jimin mutter to himself, "ooo she's so pretty, hhh". He still had that creepy ass smile on his face, "Dude remove that weird ass smile you have, if she notices that she'll be creeped out", Jungkook said while laughing.

"WAIT WHAT you guys heard what I said? and saw my face? fuck! pretend that never happened", Jimin replied with a shocked expression on his face while his cheeks were turning red. Me and Jungkook started to laugh and tease him and he started punching us.

Hyejin P.O.V
"HE WAS SO ANNOYING, he kept following me everywhere, but I only thought it was a coincidence,
until I noticed him staring at me with a uglyass smirk on his face, then he said are you buying art supplies? LIKE ITS AN ART STORE THATS WHAT ITS FOR TO BUY ART SUPPLIES, then i said yes i am trying to stay calm and then scoffed and said loser, I started to get pissed off and said "what did you say?" "loser, imagine being an artist", HYEJIN WHEN I TELL YOU HOW THAT WAS ABOUT TO MAKE ME HIT HIM I MEAN IT he's a literal stranger calling me a loser because I do art. Who the fuck says that to a stranger so I told him "Mind your own business dumbass", and then he was like "what?" so i said "you heard me, now leave me alone you weirdass stranger" and I left but he secretly kept following me, JUST THINKING ABOUT IT MAKES ME WANT TO PUNCH-"   

   I noticed Wheein already getting so red and looking like she wanted to cry so I started calming her down because after all we are in public so I said, "Wheeinie relax, we are in public, here let's take a seat on the bench".

"Maybe he had a bad day or something". "Well that doesn't give him a right to be so weird and annoying to someone he doesn't know".

"OKAY TIME TO INTRODUCE OURSELVES" Namjoon said and I looked over and noticed that Jin stopped talking to Byulie and Yongsun and started to line up everyone so we can all introduce ourselves.

"I'll go first" a guy who had cat like features said. "Hello, My name is Yoongi, I work as a Producer and people call me Suga", "OMG I love your work," Wheein said.  Yoongi looked shocked and said, "Oh thanks", and smiled, then Moonbyul introduced herself "Hi, My name is Moonbyul and I work as a rapper and producer, you guys may have heard of me from Jin or Joon", I noticed the rest of the boys side eyeing Jhope, seemed pretty sus, and made me think if they knew she liked him.  "My name is Hoseok also known as Jhope and I work as a choreographer", I'll admit he has a really nice warm smile  and it made us four smile back at him, no wonder Byulie likes him.

Moonbyul P.O.V
I felt nervous around him, I'm not gonna lie but I saw him staring me down, it was a weird stare, like he looked mad but also not really? It was weird, and it made me feel weird, what if he knows? But he can't right? I never told Jin or Joon anything and I doubt wheeinie, hyejinnie, yongsun unnie told him something.

"Hello, my name is Yongsun but I also go by Solar because of my youtube channel", "WOW, i'm a big fan of your channel", a guy with bunny like  features said, I looked at Solar and she looked really suprised and laughed nervously while saying thank you.

"My name is Jimin, and I'm a Dancer", "I've seen you Dance before, You've got really nice moves", Hyejin said shyly and I looked at her and she was smiling when I noticed Jimin turning red and said "T-Thank you", yeah I could definitely tell he had some kind of feelings for her. "Wheein, my name is Wheein and I'm an artist", "I love your paintings they are so well drawn and relaxing to look at" Yoongi said, Wheein smiled at him but said nothing.

"My name is Taehyung and I am a photographer".  "The photos you take are aesthetically pleasing" Yongsun said while smiling, "Thank you", he said and looked at wheein while she rolled her eyes.

"Hi, I'm Jungkook and I have a Gaming Channel",  Jungkook? no wonder he looks so familiar, his content always tends to make us four laugh, "Your content always makes me laugh", I said while smiling and he nodded and said thanks.

"My name is Hyejin, but i also go by Hwasa due to my modeling career" all of them smiled at her.

See not so bad? Is it alright if we stay here for another hour or so just to get more familiar with each other?" Jin said, "Yes" we all said. We then started to all talk.

Taehyung P.O.V
I looked around and Yoongi, Hobi and Wheein were talking with each other, Joon, Jin and Solar and Hwasa were talking, Moonbyul was talking to Jungkook.

Then it was just me and jimin but he couldn't stop looking at Hwasa so I told him, "Go talk to her she seems nice and welcoming she even said she liked your moves", but Jimin kept smiling.

Then I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder.

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