Hiding from Mr. Alpha, Ha Good Luck

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By twitchylove

Don't get me wrong I love my brother and his friends, but it would be nice to make some friends of my own other than Megan, But I Eva Henderson, want a LIFE! And with big brother always there lurking around the corner, I can't. Do you know how annoying it is when you are at the mall and some random really HOT guy approaches you and he starts talking  to you then the moment he begins to ask you out, here comes Godzilla and sidekick to shout the poor guy down. Or when you turn to walk in to Victoria Secrets there is always someone yanking you away telling you your too young to be going in there. I mean seriously I need undies and they have cute ones in there! COME ON! it was like yanking teeth while performing major heart surgery just to get him to agree to let me come to this party But I wasn't complaining too much yet. He was a little less crazy when he was drinking so i could get away with a lot more. But this was about to define my senior year,and I had no idea until it was too late. Lets just say its not what I expected. Eva craved her life and love. Kevin wanted her safety and happiness. Luke however wanted it all. What would you do if one little bet controlled that destiny? What would you do if you knew your mate was your best friends little baby sister and what would you do when she starts running away from you for no other reason  then she can? Eva knew she wasn't going to be able to hide forever from the ever demanding Alpha, But it sure was fun to try. Who will win this game of hide and seek?      

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