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I need a place to talk in private

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I need a place to talk in private.

Noelle paced outside a tapestry depicting an odd-looking wizard surrounded by angry trolls, a little Scottish-fold kitten following her movement with amused olive-green eyes.

I need a place to talk in private.

Seconds later, a large and ornately designed black door began to form on the wall she was pacing in front of, and Noelle took no hesitation in yanking the door open, ushering the kitten inside with an alert eye scanning the seventh floor corridor. She shut the door with a click and turned to seeㅡ


The woman ㅡ or rather, young girl ㅡ in question quirked her lips up in greeting, leaning against the mantel of a blazing fireplace with folded arms. Amira looked younger than Noelle remembered. Gone was the twenty-something year-old woman whom she had seen work countless summers at Spencer's shop, and in her place stood a girl the same age as Noelle herself, wild curls and bronze skin setting aflame a familiar ache in Noelle's chest. She hadn't realised she'd been crying until she was pulled into warm arms, a soothing hand pressing down onto her hair. For once she couldn't find it in herself to be angry.

"I thought we were past the crying stage, Nellie," Noelle heard her say, and she couldn't help but punch the girl lightly as she sucked in a shuddering breath. "Ow."

"Shut up, I'm in shock."

"Of course, you are," Amira said quietly, like a gentle hum. Noelle could hear the smile in her voice. "Need a blanket?" Noelle pulled back and rolled her watery eyes at the Sherlock reference, before wiping her face aggressively to compose herself. She took a deep breath.

"Explain," she demanded, folding her arms stubbornly. Her grey eyes settled on the girl in front of her, who had immediately adopted a sheepish expression at the barrage of questions Noelle had started to throw. "How are you here? You were a cat just moments ago, how did you turn into a human? Were you ever human? How come you're, like, ten years younger than I remember you? What are you?"

Amira raised her hands defensively. "Calm down! That's a lot of questions there Noelle and I'm afraid my small thirteen-year-old brain can't handle the pressure," she whimpered dramatically, and Noelle immediately moved to punch her again. Amira dodged and sank into a grey ottoman pouf with a teasing laugh, gesturing benevolently at the other seat opposite her with a wave. "Okay, okay ㅡ I'll tell you everything but you might want to have a seat."

Noelle huffed and sat down on the floor instead, leaning against her own pouf with a grumble; she couldn't believe she actually missed her ㅡ cried in front of her like she was five years old again ㅡ only for Amira to make fun of her. She was almost considering locking the girl out of the dorm when the time came.

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