Be Sincere

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Copyright © 2014 by melownsall (USA-December)

Society often tells you to be yourself,

But when you act as per usual you are not allowed.

They shut you down constantly,

Pushing you and poking you with their plows.

Slowly they break your walls,

And you are left wondering how.

I urge you to not be afraid and to

Speak what you think now1.

They will judge you no matter how you act,

So I encourage you to just be yourself.

It is crucial to remember that you,

Have to live with the decisions of oneself.

You may feel as though they separate you,

And organize you into another shelf.

But do not let them bother you for,

Your genuine action will explain itself2.

They try to hide you in the dark,

For all they think of is themselves.

Society creates an image for you,

But in reality, I know what’s best for myself.

You will have to sleep at night with your own thoughts,

Only you in the end have to deal with yourself.

So stop being anxious because,

We but half express ourselves3.

It concerns me that one day I might be unable,

 To live with my actions and thoughts in harmony.

It seems as though we act as a character which,

In reality it has no authenticity and is done reluctantly.

Often we slip into another mask hiding how we feel,

So we pretend to laugh at something incredibly funny.

But in all honesty, all we plaster on is

The forced smile which we put on in company4.

It is never too late to start acting genuine,

Since you have been acting like a drone.

We believe that we confront others about their judgment,

And we try to protect ourselves, but in the end we are all prone.

You may know yourself in your head,

But you are not you until your true self is shown.

So I bid you to remember that no matter who you are,

It is easy in solitude to live after our own5.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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