Emergency Medicine

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Anakin came out of the restaurant door to see what was practically the worst thing he could have imagined.

Ahsoka, laid out on the floor. Blood pooling beneath her, flowing onto the duracrete. A blaster held to her head.

Anakin just reacted without thought.

Weapon: slugthrower, rather than a blaster. Aim for trigger.

He made what was probably the most desperate underarm cast of his life, sending the sky blue blade soaring through the air. If he missed by a few centimetres, the blade would pass through the bullet casing, the intense heat all but certain to trigger the propellant charge.

It struck his target perfectly, vaporizing the trigger and sections of the hand holding it, before carving through the body of the gunman, sending the torso to the floor, closely followed by the legs, once they lost all control input and fell over.

Then he noticed the other five assassins, in a firing line.

There was no question what was going to happen next.

A force-wave ripped across the platform, carrying all of the loose debris with it, everything from dust particles to several small credit chits, propelled by a scream of rage and devastation. Four of the five attackers went with it, hurled over the edge of the platform, or into a wall. Those who struck the wall were rendered into a putty, every bone in their body shattered in an instant by the massive forces exerted on them.

The fifth raised his weapon, as Anakin crossed the distance, a kinetic shield of Force energy held in front of him, robbing the slugs of the their energy. The shield absorbed seventy rounds, before the magazine ran dry.

Anakin's lightsaber thrummed once, severing the head of the last surviving attacker with a scream of anger.

Then he turned to the horribly still and agonizingly small body laid on the platform behind him.

"SNIPS!" He yelled.

Shaak-Ti dropped to her knees beside the fallen padawan, frantically probing the small body.

"She isn't breathing. I can't find a pulse." Frantically, the Jedi master triaged the injuries with the Force. She's been hit in one kidney. There's a hole in her left lung, perhaps three inches from her heart, along with a damaged rib. Her large intestine is perforated. Lots of shrapnel as well. "Anakin!" She called, making a note that the stomach injury was the least pressing.

The younger Jedi's boyfriend hurried over. "I need you to do exactly what I say." She told him, pinching a particular point with the Force. "Take over that hold. It'll stop her bleeding out." Nervously, Anakin pinched off the artery, reducing the growth rate of the puddle of blood underneath Ahsoka by a visible amount.

Then, Shaak-Ti turned her attention to the chest wound.

Shavit. There's no other option to stop the bleeding.

"Anakin, keep the pressure on that artery." She told him, drawing her lightsaber from her belt.

The she pressed it against the exit wound, muttered a brief prayer to the Huntress, and hit the activation switch.

Anakin started at the sound, but he kept the pressure on the artery regardless. "Master?" He demanded.

"It was the only way to stop the bleeding, Anakin." She replied. "Kenobi!"


Obi-wan had hung back slightly once the emergency was mostly contained, hauling his comlink out of the small pocket it lived in, and holding down the emergency frequency.

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