Chapter 8

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"Of course I like your music, Harry. Yes, even before we met." Adrienne was sitting on her bathroom floor, cleaning everything with a small brush. Her phone was on top of the sink on speaker and she was talking to Harry for almost an hour, to make her cleaning routine more fun. "I don't know what my favorite song is."

"That's exactly what people say when they don't know any of the songs." Harry was in his home office, on a big leather chair, looking through some real state web pages, trying to find a house in Los Angeles.

"Oh, my god. My favorite used to be 'Same Mistakes', but now is 'They Don't Know About Us', because it reminds me of you and me and our relationship." Adrienne probably would never tell Harry that, but the day after they started to date, she was so happy she couldn't stop giggling and listening to that song. In fact, she listened to it more than thirty times. But besides her iTunes, nobody would ever know that.

"I'm impressed. You really liked us. How does it feel to be dating your favorite member?" Harry smiled and got up to get some fruit salad.

"I don't know, because I'm not." Adrienne regretted saying that the minute it came out of her mouth. Harry wasn't her favorite member at all, but he didn't need to know that.

"I don't get it." Harry opened his fridge and took a deep breath, thinking about what fruit mix he would do this time. And then it hit him. "Oh my god! I'm not your favorite member?"

"Of course you are! I mean, you weren't, but now you are. I don't do the things I do to you to people who are not my favorites."

"Just tell me the truth, Adrienne. No more lies. Who's your favorite?"

"Zayn." Adrienne actually put Zayn on her list of boys she wanted to do before she died. She had a major crush on him, but come on, don't we all? "But now it's you, I promise."

"I should've known. If you want, I can get you an autograph. Or a date. Because, you know, he's your favorite, right?" Harry smiled. Teasing Adrienne was one of the best things ever. With words and with his fingers. "I can't wait to see the headlines when you dump me to be with him."

"Oh, I wouldn't dump you. I'd keep you both." Adrienne smirked when she heard Harry calling her naughty and fixed her hair, that was falling on her face. She was sweating like a pig and probably looked far from cute. "Now, let's talk about other business. How's your house hunting?"

"Not very good. I can't find anything I like. I wanted something with a lot of trees and a big pool, kind of rustic, but I can't find it. May as well stay in a hotel the next time I'm in LA."

"Wow, must be good to be rich. Looking for houses, staying in five star hotels." Adrienne lived in a old, tiny, squalid apartment and Harry lived in a mansion. She didn't even know how he spent so much time there when his bathroom was probably bigger than her whole place. "And you can stay with me the next time you're in LA. But you'll have to sleep in the guest room."

"No problem, I'll sneak in your room after your parents go to bed. It's even more fun."

"You seriously think we'll be able to do anything with my parents across the hall? When were I ever quiet in the bedroom, Harry? You'll have to keep my mouth busy."

"Your mouth will be very busy, don't worry about it." Harry smirked, feeling that Adrienne was blushing. She was surprisingly shy, considering the things they did. "What are you gonna do today?"

"Well, after I'm done cleaning my bathroom I'm gonna fold my laundry. And then I'll go to the bookstore. What about you?"

"Nothing, really. Can I come with you? We can go to the bookstore and then stop at a restaurant to grab some dinner. It's gonna be fun." Harry didn't want to sound like he was begging to Adrienne take him when he really was.

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