Chapter One-Reoccuring fate

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The bouquet is thrown high, high into the area only to land by the sliver glitter shoes of a 25 year old woman named Ariella. She picks it up signing. This was the sixth wedding she has been to as well as the sixth bouquet she has received.

"Why is this happening to me?!" Ariella squeaks to her friend, Isabella.

“Maybe God is telling you something Ari,” Isabella gasps “Maybe he is telling your love is coming!”

“Bells, I highly doubt God is saying ‘Hey Ariella sixth one is a charm!’ while waving two thumbs up. It’s more like he is getting an enjoyment out of my lack of romance……and a future.”

Ariella studies the bouquet; it is just like the other five with its white, pink, and red roses dusted in glitter with big huge red bow. The roses reminded her of what her grandpa had said about them. Red means “I love you”, white means the purity of the bride, and the pink means the joy the couple goes through on their wedding. She admired her grandpa and his passion for flowers. How he knew about each and every meaning to them. Tears flow from her eyes as she remembers the event that happened almost two years ago when her grandpa drew his last breath.

“Is everything ok Ariella?” the bride, Natasha, ask putting her hand on Ariella’s back.

“Yeah just can’t believe you’re married!” Ariella fakes a smile

She wipes the tears away and joins Isabella and Natasha as they get ready for the reception. As they enter, Isabella and Ariella gawk at the Reception Hall. The Chiffon like curtains sweeps the ceiling with two chandeliers hanging from the ceiling at opposite ends of the room. The lights that match the colors of the roses lay softly at where the married couple and their group will sit. Square vases are centered on round dark wooden tables. Everything scream elaborate! “How did you afford this Natasha? It looks expensive!” Isabella says while touching every inch of décor in the room.

“What can I say my Michael’s family wanted to pay for it.” Natasha shrugs happily at what all her in-laws did for them.

“And pay for it they did. Do you know how expensive this reception room costs! And that’s not including the décor! Bells stop touching that, you might break it.” Ariella pulls Isabella away from the swan ice sculpture.

“Aw, but Ari look how pretty it is. It’s like it wants me to touch it and besides you’re being a party pooper. Why not be like your favorite Disney character, Ariel, she was into everything. You even use to be that way in High School”

Natasha giggles and nods in agreement with Isabella.  “She isn’t real and if you’re going that way why not be like Belle off of your favorite Disney movie.”Ariella sticks her tongue out at Isabella.

She knows how much she has changed since then. Times have changed since high school and was time to get her head on straight. Unlike her two friends, she has no idea what she wants to do with her life. Isabella is a writer and does volunteer work at libraries. Natasha has her own restaurant and creating her own recipes. While Ariella works as a waitress at Natasha’s restaurant and as librarian. Why was it not clear for her? Is God telling her that her future is not great? Why has God left her clueless? Why isn’t he speaking to her when she needs him?

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