The Opponents

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This chapter is not a long one, just a heads up.

"..." Uryu just rolled his eyes and started to walk down the eleventh hall. He honestly didn't want to be here. He didn't believe that Ichigo turned rogue. He thinks that the orange haired man was kicked out of Soul Society since he didn't sense any shinigami powers from him the last time he saw him in school. Uryu frowned. He remembered that day. Ichigo came in with hollow bones and a well hidden hollow hole, escorting the Fourth Espada known as Ulquiorra Schiffer. At the time, Uryu had foolishly believed that what the Shinigami higher ups had said was true and that he had turned rogue, but as the years went by and hearing some of the rumors, as well as a Captain going rogue to inform Ichigo? He is starting to question the logic of the Shinigami. He wants to talk to Ichigo and get everything figured out. Uryu mentally shrugged. Who knows? Maybe he'll join the Espada in the war against the Shinigami. But until then, the Shinigami need to think that he is on their side still. He needs to act perfectly or he will be executed rather painfully, and he would rather live.

"And where oh where do you think you are going?" A cold voice spoke from the shadows of the ceiling.

"I think I am going places." Uryu said calmly, crossing his arms. "Who are you?"

The figure in the shadows laughed. "I am your worst nightmare little Shinigami loving Quincy."

Uryu snorted, using his middle finger to push his glasses back up his face. "Yeah right. After I figured out what they did, I came here seeking to talk to Kurosaki. I would like to know who I am speaking to however."

The figure dropped down, revealing the first espada, Coyote Stark, and his little friend, Lilynette. "My name is Coyote Stark and this is Lilynette. Why should I believe you? Who says you won't try to kill Kuro-san as soon as I take you to him?" Coyote frowned distrustfully at him. Uryu really couldn't blame him as much as he wanted to. An enemy to hollows, seemingly allied with the Soul Reapers, comes in and says they don't like Shinigami and wants to talk to Ichigo. Sure, nothing suspicious about that at all. "Ichigo is kind of our leader, but he usually let's us do what we wish. He is our, I guess you could say, in our little hollow family. We will protect him-"

Lilynette interrupted the other Espada. "He doesn't need protection! He is powerful enough on his own!"

"Fine." Coyote groaned, not wanting to argue. "Anyway, right now he is not doing to hot and you will probably get your face ripped off by a very angry Arrancar who will not listen."

Uryu frowned. "I still need to see him."

Coyote studied him before coming to a decision. "Okay, but you will live in my Palace for a week until he is safe to be around." His eyes narrowed. "If I sense any funny business from you, I will kill you."

"Agreed. You have a Quincy's word that there will be no funny business from me."

"Good. Now follow me." Coyote and Lilynette turned away and started to walk, expecting Uryu to follow.

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